Management Plan Environmental Assessment for Anacostia Park - 2017
The National Park Service (NPS) prepared a Management Plan/Environmental Assessment for Anacostia Park in 2017. The Plan provides broad guidance and long term strategies for management of the Park, to protect the Park's natural and cultural resources, provide for public understanding and use of the Park, and promote partnership opportunities that would support and complement NPS management of the Park.
Play DC Master Plan Vision
Play DC is a long-range vision to transform the District’s parks and recreation system into one of the best systems in the nation.
It is the first comprehensive plan of its kind in the District, and its reach is citywide.

11th Street Bridge Park (Plan)
the 11th Street Bridge Park is Washington, D.C.'s first elevated public park will be perched over the Anacostia River. Located on the piers of the old 11th Street Bridge, this venue will be a space for healthy recreation, environmental education, and the arts.
11th Street Bridge Park's Equitable Development Plan - 2018
The goal of the Bridge Park’s Equitable Development Plan is to ensure that the park is a driver of inclusive development—development that provides opportunities for all residents regardless of income and demography. By following a community-driven-vetted process, it is our hope that other cities can look to the Bridge Park as a prime example of how the public and private sectors can invest in and create world-class public space in an equitable manner.
DC Wildlife Action Plan
To protect threatened species and keep habitats healthy, DDOE developed the District of Columbia Wildlife Action Plan in 2006 as a blueprint for wildlife conservation.
It is one of 56 plans State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAP) that form a national network to prevent wildlife from becoming endangered. Together, the state and tribal wildlife action plans reduce the cost of wildlife management by decreasing the need for recovery projects for endangered species.
Anacostia Waterfront Framework Plan - 2003
The District Government created an overarching framework plan for the Anacostia River waterfront in 2003 with the launch of the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative.
A 15-year report on this plan was released in 2018.

RFK Campus Redevelopment
The RFK Stadium is closed and sits on land owned by the National Park Service that is legislatively reserved for open space and recreational use.
EventsDC has planned a recreation campus for the site, and completed construction of athletic fields on the northern parking lots in 2019.
Mayor Muriel Bowser has indicated her desire to have the Washington Redskns NFL team return to DC and play in a new stadium at this site, but others have protested this.
Buzzard Point Park Development Concept Plan - 2017
The National Park Service's (NPS) National Capital Parks - East released a final Development Concept Plan (DCP) for Buzzard Point Park in 2017 to provide the framework to re-develop this park as an enjoyable and unique urban park with a mix of active and passive recreational opportunities.

Hill East District Waterfront (Reservation 13)
Hill East District Waterfront, formerly known as Reservation 13, is comprised of 67 acres between the eastern edge of the Capitol Hill neighborhood and the western shore of the Anacostia River.
Reservation 13 has long been planned as a future site for mixed-use development. It was included in the District's application to be a future site for Amazon's second headquarters.

Southeast Boulevard Environmental Assessment
The Southeast Boulevard spur of Highway 695 is planned to be designed to incorporate neighborhood development.
A planning study in 2015 explored potential development opportunities for the area, and the Department of Transportation then launched an Environmental Assessment regarding changes to traffic patterns and road layouts.
2015 Planning Study:
Current Environmental Assessment:
Lead Agencies: DDOT, FHWA
Planning Complete: 2018
Est. Construction: Unknown
DC State Rail Plan
The District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) has completed a State Rail Plan for the District of Columbia. This plan focuses on passenger and freight rail infrastructure, both vital for ongoing economic development.
The completed plan provides a high-level strategic vision, goals, and objectives to guide investment for the future of the District’s rail network.
Kenilworth Avenue Corridor Study - 2007
Kenilworth Avenue is an important part of the District’s transportation network. To some users, it serves as an essential commuter route, while to others it is a key link to their neighborhoods.
At the same time, it is also an obstacle, where it prevents easy movement between residents on either side from such destination points as the Anacostia River, a park or recreation area, a school, or a place to shop.
This study examined these conflicting functions, and explored options for improving Kenilworth Avenue (between Pennsylvania Avenue and Eastern Avenue).

Second report of the District of Columbia Commission on Climate Change & Resiliency
The second report of the District of Columbia Commission on Climate Change & Resiliency is organized into three themes—adaptation, mitigation, and engagement.