How is Climate Change Impacting Me and My Community?

Climate change includes temperature changes and a multitude of effects that result from warming, including melting glaciers, increased humidity, heavier rainstorms, and changes in the patterns of some climate-related extreme events.

District of Columbia Wetlands Conservation Plan

Within the District, 289 acres of wetlands have been mapped and assessed in the field. Over 92% of the District’s potential wetlands (areas determined to have wetland characteristics via a desktop analysis) are located within 500 feet or less of urban development.


District of Columbia Wildlife Action Plan

The District of Columbia is a rapidly growing city, known in part for its beautiful parks and green spaces. With large sites like Rock Creek Park, Fort Dupont Park, the National Arboretum, and the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Historical Park and smaller places like Pope Branch and Alger, Linnean, and Hillcrest Parks, the District has the second highest amount of green space per capita of any city in the country.

The District of Columbia Climate and Energy Action Plan

The Clean Energy DC plan lays out a thoughtful set of actions that the District Government, local businesses, and residents can take over the next 15 years to dramatically reduce the District’s role in climate change.


Zero Waste DC Plan

The Zero Waste DC Plan has been the result of more than eight years of technical research and analysis, culminating with an inclusive and transparent community engagement process and robust inter-agency planning cycle.

Districtwide Racial Equity Action Plan

The Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP) serves as a roadmap outlining actions, over a three-year period, the District Government will take to close racial equity gaps and measure progress towards a more racially equitable DC.


Keep Cool DC: The District of Columbia's Heat Adaptation Strategy

Keep Cool DC is the District’s extreme heat adaptation strategy. While hot weather may seem like just an inconvenience to some, it can be deadly: extreme heat is the leading cause of climate-related deaths in the United States.

Climate Adaptation and Preparedness

The District is already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Climate change refers to long-term changes in global temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other aspects of climate. These global changes have serious consequences for the District.


Climate Change and our Urban Forest

Understanding climate change vulnerability in our urban forest and developing adaptation strategies.