RainPay: beautify your property, make money and protect the Anacostia River

Did you know that the rain that runs off of pavement, roofs, and sidewalks — known as stormwater — can significantly damage the biological health of the Anacostia River and its tributaries?  In addition to causing erosion, stormwater mixes with oil, gas, bacteria, and other pollutants and washes it into waterways. 

The Anacostia Waterfront Trust's RainPay program helps to mitigate the problems caused by stormwater by working with property owners to install high quality green infrastructure projects (also known as rain gardens) in the areas of Anacostia watershed where they have the most impact. 

The Anacostia Waterfront Trust is currently seeking property owners (nonprofits, houses of prayer, and small businesses) to participate.  Qualifying property owners can receive a beautiful rain garden for their property at no cost. Additionally, participants receive payments for hosting the rain garden on their land and are able to benefit from a reduction in their monthly stormwater fees assessed by DC Water.  Participants also get the satisfaction of knowing that RainPay maximizes social, environmental, and job benefits.

For properties to qualify, they should have an asphalt or concrete parking lot (there are exceptions) and be located in specific parts of Wards 5, 7, and 8 (see the map).  Those interested should contact Chris Karakul (CKarakul@anacostiatrust.org) or Doug Siglin (DSiglin@anacostiatrust.org) for more information or to set up a site visit.

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