February 3: What climate change means to people, a meeting for nonprofits

All nonprofits in Wards 7 and 8, as well as those serving east of the river residents, are encouraged to attend this February 3 discussion about how to help clients become climate ready. The event will feature reps from the Department of Energy and Environment who will talk about the District government's Climate Ready DC Plan.

Extreme heat waves and flooding are predicted and they will have the greatest impact on older, sick, and poor residents. Some examples from the plan:

  • Heatwaves and dangerously hot days will become common: "As average temperatures rise, extreme heat days will increase and heatwaves will last longer and occur more frequently.  In 2012, DC experienced a record-breaking heatwave when temperatures soared above 95°F for 11 straight days. This previously unprecedented event could occur every one to two years by the 2050s." This means that older, sick, and poor clients will have a harder time staying cool. Their utility bills will increase, further reducing the money they have available to pay other important bills.
  • Flooding could harm community resources: "Ward 7 is home to the largest number of vulnerable community resources, including schools, medical services, and public housing located along the flood-prone Watts Branch." Flooding in the northern part of the ward will have serious and detrimental effects on buildings and programs on which thousands of Ward 7 residents rely.

Attend the meeting and talk with DOEE about how your organization can help clients reduce these impacts. Meet staff from other organizations and share ideas about addressing these important challenges.

 Every nonprofit has a role to play.

  • Friday, February 3, 2017, 10:00 - 11:30 am
  • Benning/Dorothy I. Height Neighborhood Library, 3935 Benning Rd NE (Minnesota Ave Metro Rail is closest station; ample free parking)
  • RSVP by February 1
  • More information: Susie Cambria, susie.cambria@gmail.com
  • Event flyer (PDF)