Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - April 7, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources offers free learning opportunities, from 15 minute videos to two-hour online courses. All are free. Registration is required.

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share widely.

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
Advocacy Strategies For Nonprofits, April 11( — Learn how to get involved with legislative advocacy. $50.

Fuel Yourself to Fulfill your Mission: Self-Care Tips for Social Impact Leaders, April 12( -- "Did you know that up to 60% of all major health conditions have stress as an underlying cause?" Participate in this webinar to learn how to take better care so you can do your work better and for longer. Free.

Re-Energize your Volunteer Program by Designing Mission-Driven Opportunities, April 25 ( — Volunteers can help you achieve your mission. In this way, they are much more than "nice to have." You will learn how to create mission-driven opportunities that are key to achieving your organization's goals. Free.

Motivating #GivingTuesday Donors with Your Website, May 24 ( — "When 82% of donors visit our websites before giving, now is the time to consider what they'll find when they get there. Your website plays a vital role in your fundraising efforts on #GivingTuesday and beyond. Does it captivate and engage people or is it merely an online brochure with a few photos and a mission statement?" Free. 

While this event, being held May 3, is focused on the for-profit world, there is much nonprofits can learn from social innovators, inspiring brands, and industry experts about social marketing. Free.

Good reads
You’ll Be Treading Water If You Don’t Have These Systems in Place ( — "Have you ever started a new job, only to discover that no thank yous had been sent for months?" The stories only get worse. An absolute must, MUST read.

Does your company need a Director of Getting Sh*t Done? ( — This is serious. Read.

The art of managing different personality types in your team( — If. You. Do. Nothing. Else. Read. This. "A general notion is that a manager must be adept at taking care of project scope, client requirements and planning the entire project delivery process. But the most important aspect of the job of a manager is - People Management. If you are not good with the people you are managing, you cannot expect them to give their best for you - it’s as simple as that!"

Personal capacity building

“How can I make more?”( —  And other questions you didn’t know to ask about work and money. 

5 Money Experts On How To Financially Prepare For A Career Change( —  A must-read.

Resources and tools

Instagram vs. Snapchat: Which Is Best for Your Business?( This Sprout Social helps you decide.  They talk demographics of each channel as well as content options. Best of all, you don't have to be a super-user of either to understand of what they speak.

Ask Product Hunt ( is a new community-powered product search engine. You will not only ask Product Hunt staff, but those whose products are featured on PH and those who rely on PH for suggestions and recommendations for new tools. Perfect for the techie in your organization.

11 Expert Tips for Nonprofits to Embrace Technology for Even Greater Impact(  includes advice such as "Map your needs to a strategic plan," "Tell better stories," and "Collaborate with your networks."

10 Random, But Useful Online Communications Tips for Nonprofits( delivers what the title says. Standouts: Coordinate Tweets and Facebook Posts with e-newsletters and fundraising appeals, Use only one or two hashtags per tweet, and Link screenshots of videos in e-newsletters and fundraising appeals to donate pages with the video embedded.