Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - December 21, 2016
Nonprofit capacity building resources
Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!
Capacity Building Opportunities
Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
The Gig Economy, January 25(— This free SSIR webinar will:
- Map the current and emerging landscape of independent work
- Identify the most promising and troubling elements of independent work
- Generate ideas on what could make independent work more stable and sustainable for workers, especially vulnerable and/or lower skilled workers
- Highlight promising innovations that are already underway and might be ripe for scaling
- Share strategies for supporting independent workers and dig into some of the most promising innovationsCommunity Engagement: The Next Generation, March 7-9( — Explore the next generation of community engagement principles and practices at this Tamarack conference. The agenda will combine workshops, hands-on sessions, and straight-up teaching to allow participants to get the most out of this event. Participants will learn:
- Cutting edge technologies to make your engagement work easier and more effective
- The latest in interviewing, facilitation and dialogue techniques
- The essential framework for engagement to advance your collective impact work
- How to engage polarized audiences and combat cynicism
- Hands-on, interactive practice of engagement techniques and technology
- Theoretical frameworks for engagement, systems change and movement building
- Practical examples and in-depth case studies from municipalities, community organizations, provincial (state) government and corporations
Ad Council Webinar: How to use Medium to reach new audiences, move ideas, and move people( — "Preaching Beyond the Choir," which contains the slide presentation (PDF) and the hour-long webinar recording (MP4), presents the value of Medium whose mission is "To drive knowledge, understanding, and idea exchange
around the world." The presenters discuss why Medium is such an important platform in the online world, provide real-world examples of how thought leaders share ideas, and give five nonprofit use cases. H/t PCDC
Good reads
10 Dos and Don’ts of Conducting Survey Research ( — "You're a nonprofiteer on a mission, and a lot of the time that means learning new tasks as they come at you. If somebody told you that improving your organization was as easy as finding, tracking and utilizing the right data, wouldn't you do it?"
Capturing those golden nuggets of information: the art of digital curation ( — You find a must-save article online. You bookmark it. Then what? Can you share with colleagues, board members, clients/customers? You don't bookmark... you send links to yourself via email. Again, then what? Learn about some better, more useful ways to collect and save information you find online so you can actually use the information!
13 Signs That Someone Is About to Quit, According to Research( — Read. Learn. Save your company money on rehiring and training. "To help managers and companies identify employees at risk of quitting, we investigated this very question (PDF) and uncovered a set of behavioral changes exhibited by employees—what we dub pre-quitting behaviors—that are strong predictors of voluntary quits in the 12 months after they are observed by managers."
Why Successful People Always Stay A Student( — The title says it all.
Podcasts and videos
Steve Levitt - Why Incentives Don't Work( — Levitt, perhaps best known as one of the Freakonomics, is a well-known economist in his own right. Watch this five minute video to learn why incentives do not work as you imagine they will with employees.
Resources and tools
Do you have a capacity building tool or resource to share? Please email information to
Have a go-to tool or capacity building resource? Please share.
Do you have a capacity building resource to share? Please email information to