Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - February 15, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
A regional discussion about increasing local, scratch-cooked school food, February 16( — This free webinar follows up on the January 12 Coffee Talk on the same subject ( Free.

Second annual BRAVE Summit, March 25( — BRAVE was pioneered by several Black women of Georgetown University for the purpose of uplifting Black womanhood. We are on a mission to further expose the magic that lies within us, by celebrating black women and strengthening our leadership skills. $7 - $15.

Unlikely Allies: The Critical Role of Women in Environmental Justice, March 30 ( — "In honor of Women’s History Month, March’s Unlikely Allies event will highlight the unique role women play in tackling environmental issues. In addition to an amazing panel discussion, the event will feature an artistic performance.  Unlikely Allies is also in partnership with OpenIDEO DC, who will facilitate a short, interactive, exercise to help panelists and attendees understand how to use design thinkingmethodology to solve social challenges. Space is limited, so get your tickets today." Free.

Local Foods Impact Conference, April 3 - 4  ( — Participate in this two-day conference and explore ways to measure the impacts of local food investments, improve coordination across USDA agencies, and evaluate the extent to which disparate local food investments are complementary and reinforcing. Beyond metrics, this conference provides an opportunity to share local food stories with incoming members of the new Administration and Congress. In person and livestreamed.

Making the Connection: Climate Changes Health, A Four-Part Webinar Series, on-demand ( — "The series explores the connection between climate change and key areas of our health: allergies and asthma; health risks in children; mental health; and transportation and healthy community design as a mitigation approach." Free (you will be prompted to sign in; type in name and email and video starts).

Good reads
Increased Board Performance Through Diversity( — Good intentions are not enough and this article helps you get the board members your organization needs.

Program Sustainability is Not Just About Funding( — "What I learned truly surprised me, because when I summarized this research, it turned out achieving sustainability wasn't rocket science. In fact, the promoters of program sustainability read like many best practices for operating a non-profit: diversified funding, program champions, evaluation and performance measurement, and collaborative partners.

But there are other promoters that you might not immediately think about, such as a strong volunteer base, in-kind resources, high visibility, local values and culture, and a sustainability plan. Although researchers are still learning about the conditions under which new program innovations are sustained, I'm excited by the potential of what we can achieve with what we currently understand now."

How to Thrive When all You Feel is Turmoil( — You may have read the advice before: sleep, get enough sleep. Take breaks, take several of them throughout the day. Say no, really, say no. Are you practicing thriving? Read this, then do it.

Podcasts and videos
[PODCAST] Storytelling as Mission Moments | Ft. Lori Jacobwith ( — "Storytelling has been a pretty noteworthy buzzword in the nonprofit sector in the last few years. Blogs, conferences and thought leaders all over the sector stress the importance of storytelling.

We all have stories that stem from our work and most of us already know the importance of storytelling. Lori Jacobwith explains a new way to view storytelling. She explains that 'mission moments' are stories that help to better explain our mission through the work we do. Mission moments help others learn an organization's why by showing (not telling) real examples of impact."

The 1 Thing Self-Help Guru Tim Ferriss Suggests You Do Every Morning ( — "Want to truly unplug and recharge? Author and self-help guru — not to mention the Guinness World Record holder in tango — Tim Ferriss has one sound piece of advice: 'Wake up early enough, and format your life in such way, that your phone is on airplane mode so you do not check email or text messages for at least the first 60 minutes of each day.'"

Resources and tools ( — Looking for an alternative to Yahoo Groups or Google Groups? Try They describe themselves as a "modern email groups service."

Internet Archive ( — "Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more." One example of music in the public domain is by Nicholas Webster Simoneaux ( An example of a video in the public domain is Popeye for President(