Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - February 8, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact Without Burnout, February 10 ( — "Join Georgetown University's Center for Social Impact Communication and co-authors Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman for a conversation and reception in celebration of their new book... Hear tips and strategies from the authors that will help steer your organization away from burnout while boosting all-around performance." Free.

Grant Strategy for CEOs, Directors, and Board Members: What You Need to Know to Succeed, February 15( — The key takeaway: "What can you do on a managerial level to empower your grantseekers to be more successful?" Free.

Leveraging Resources for Brownfields Revitalization: Meet the Funders: Parks, Community Health, and the Arts, February 28( — "Brownfield grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are one of many sources of funds that can support redevelopment of contaminated sites. This webinar will highlight a number of redevelopment resources available from the National Park Service (NPS), The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to leverage your brownfield dollars. The webinar will also feature a presentation from a community that has successfully used grants, loans and other support from these agencies for its revitalization efforts." Free.

The Skinny on Snapchat: Why Your Clients Should (or Should Not) Be On It, March 2 ( — "Snapchat is the fastest growing social network. As of July 2016, more than 200 million users were active on the platform and they were posting more than 400 million rapidly disappearing snaps every day." $45/$55.

Online Communications: The Basics, March 7 - 21( — "Every nonprofit needs a solid online communications foundation. This course will help you define your communications goals, practices, and strategies. We’ll help you refine your 'SMART' communications goals, learn what kind of content engages your stakeholders, understand the purpose and best use of each online communications channel, develop an editorial calendar, track success against goals, and choose how to invest your time and money. By the end of this course you’ll have a firm understanding of how to create an online communications plan that meets your goals, connects with your audience, and drives engagement." $120.

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Training, March 22 - 23( — "Join CommonHealth ACTION for a 2-day interactive and dynamic training that is designed for professionals from all disciplines, sectors, and career stages. Whether you are new to equity, diversity, and inclusion or already addressing equity in your work, this training will give you knowledge, skills, and tools to make a greater impact." $469 and up.

The Campaign Workshop Advocacy Training, April 6 - 7( — "Whether you're working to influence grassroots, grasstops, legislators, or opinion leaders, advances in technology have made the world of advocacy accessible to even the smallest campaigns. Combined with state-of-the-art targeting and effective messaging, advocates and action-takers can channel their passion to positively effect change. And with uncertainty in the political landscape in 2017 and beyond, the world of advocacy has never been more important.

We've designed our 2017 advocacy training to be a resource for progressives to learn the ins and outs of effective advocacy. From defining your goals to fundraising and building a digital presence, this training will use real-world examples to teach attendees what they need to be successful. Regardless of whether you're new to the world of advocacy or a seasoned vet, our training will help advocates advance their goals and create engagement within their communities." $600 by February 12 (Early Bird).

Good reads
You Need to Practice Being Your Future Self( — "Being busy is not the same as being productive. It’s the difference between running on a treadmill and running to a destination. They’re both running, but being busy is running in place."

Execution Is a People Problem, Not a Strategy Problem( — "Because while strategy development and communication are about knowing something, strategy execution is about doing something. And the gap between what you know and what you do is often huge. Add in the necessity of having everyone acting in alignment with each other, and it gets even huger."

Podcasts and videos
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action( — "Simon Sinek explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change. He's the author of the classic 'Start With Why'; his latest book is 'Leaders Eat Last.' 18 minutes.

Personal capacity building

12 Pieces of Work Advice I Would Give My Younger Self( "... 12 women who are currently killing it in their careers were willing to share the advice they'd give their younger selves. This is one to read and share with a young woman you love!"

Resources and tools

How to Get the Most From Feedback Surveys( explains the value of creating good feedback surveys and provides examples of bad, better, and good question examples. 

LibreStock ( is the place to go to "search the best 47 free stock photo websites in one place." There are "61,404 high quality do-what-ever-you-want stock photos."

Have a go-to tool or capacity building resource? Please share.

Do you have a capacity building resource to share? Please email information to