Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - January 18, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
Water quality monitoring classes, various dates( — The Audubon Naturalist Society offers a number of classes on water quality. Classes include Introduction to Water Quality Monitoring, Aquatic Insect Family ID, and How to Read Your Stream. $15 per class (there are some exceptions).

Soliciting Charitable Contributions in DC, Maryland and Virginia, January 19( — "This webinar will discuss the rules for soliciting charitable contributions, with a focus on the rules for soliciting in Virginia, Maryland and DC. We will discuss when a nonprofit is required to register; the process for registering in these states, and how much it will cost. We will also discuss the general requirements for soliciting in other states, and what rules govern for soliciting contributions through social media, including donate now buttons on nonprofit websites and Facebook and other social media sites established by fans of your organization." Free. (H/t DC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy)

Introduction of PCI and HIPAA Compliance, January 24( — "Does your organization take credit card information? Do you store personal information on your staff, clients or donors. Raffa can help you avoid the pitfalls and penalties that can come from storing these privacy related items in unsecured ways." Participate in this webinar and learn the basic industry regs, which organizations must comply, the cost of non-compliance, and more. Free. (H/t DC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy)

DC Ecowomen 2017 Bootcamp: Media Training for Environmental Professionals, January 28 ( — "Increasingly, women in the environment are moving from behind the scenes and onto the frontlines. Join us for a half day media training designed specifically for environmental professionals. This bootcamp will help you calibrate your approach to your work, retool your brand identity, bio and mojo with training on messaging, print interview preparation and building and maintaining your media presence." Registration is required. $25. (H/t loyal reader)

Confab Call on helping regular people respond to hate in their communities, February 8 ( — National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation and Not In Our Town are hosting a webinar to help communities stop hate. "Not In Our Town is both an organization and a movement dedicated to stopping hate, addressing bullying, and building safe, inclusive communities for all." Register online: Free.

5 Things You Need to Know About Volunteer Background Checks in 2017, February 9  ( — "Background screening can be a key contributor to a successful volunteer program. As volunteer populations and organizations change however, so should your approach to screening." Join the event and learn, among other things, best practices in volunteer management. Space is limited. Free.

Rooting DC, February 18( — This all-day gardening forum provides education about urban food production and consumption, cultivating health, and preserving the environment. The program includes dozens of interactive workshops, cooking and food preservation demonstrations, and panel discussions focusing on youth gardening, nutrition, sustainable growing techniques, and healthy food access.

Good reads
I Wrote 70 Gratitude Emails. I Was Amazed by the Response( — Joshua Spodek writes, "Research shows gratitude helps your brainwell-being, and business." If it's got all that going for it, it's worth taking the time to show some. Spodek does more than share the responses. He maps out how he went about writing the gratitude emails. It's worthy of your time, so take six minutes and read. And then block out time on your calendar to get writing.

The Management Secret That Makes SNL's Chaotic Writers Room Succeed ( — This Fast Company article explains why some teams work well while others do not. They make research understandable and actionable. A good read for staff at all levels in your organization.

Daniel H Pink: employees are faster and more creative when solving other people's problems( — "Over the years, social scientists have found that abstract thinking leads to greater creativity. That means that if we care about innovation we need to be more abstract and therefore more distant. But in our businesses and our lives, we often do the opposite. We intensify our focus rather than widen our view. We draw closer rather than step back.

That's a mistake, Polman and Emich suggest. 'That decisions for others are more creative than decisions for the self... should prove of considerable interest to negotiators, managers, product designers, marketers and advertisers, among many others,' they write."

Succession Planning for the Next Generation of Leadership( — "While succession planning sounds intimidating, it simply means putting a plan in place for choosing the new leaders in your organization and giving them the tools they need to succeed.

Take a good, hard look around your organization. These are the people who have your back; these are the people who understand your mission – and they could be the next generation of leaders for your organization.

Set aside time to think about who’s up to the plate and will become that next generation."

Podcasts and videos
101+ of The Best Nonprofit Podcasts ( — The podcasts included in this curated list cover all the topics nonprofits are concerned about: fundraising, management, leadership, board effectiveness, and much more.

Career advice for millennials (and really, anyone) from Margaret Heffernan ( — We can all learn something by reading this TEDBlog piece. For example, you will learn the value of building social capital, working sensible hours, and taking breaks. Be sure to watch Margaret Heffernan: Forget the pecking order at work(

Personal capacity building

PCDN January Career Webinar: How to Get Ready to Find Your Dream Job ( — Preparing for your job search, knowing the right tools, having a well-thought plan and knowing what you want will be covered in January's webinar. We hope you leave with concrete tools for your job search and career exploration in social change. Free.

Resources and tools

Say 'No!' to vertical video syndrome ( ( is a Twitter chat tool. Enter the hashtag and get chatting!

Do you have a capacity building tool or resource to share? Please email information to

Have a go-to tool or capacity building resource? Please share.

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