Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - January 25, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

The Campaign Workshop Blog( does much more than offer advice and technical assistance for political campaigns. Recent posts include An Advocacy Leader Answers 6 Questions on Advocacy Storytelling, List Building for Nonprofits | Organizational Best Practices, and Do Nonprofits Need Online Advocacy Campaign Consultants? Be sure to look at older posts.

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
Organization Effectiveness Webinar, January 26 ( — Learn the priorities and the application process for the Meyer Foundation's Organizational Effectiveness program grants. Free.

Outcomes For Nonprofits Workshop Series, January 31, March 28, and May 23( — The workshops train nonprofits to identify and measure objectives, goals, success, and results.  Free. 

How to Report Live from Nonprofit Conferences and Events, February 14-15 ( — "Real-time reporting from nonprofit conferences and events requires an advanced skill set, training, and a lot of practice. Tailored for social media managers, this webinar will highlight which skills are necessary for live reporting, which online tools work the best, and outline a 6-week plan that includes pre-event planning and post-event follow-up." Free.

Board Basics: What a Nonprofit Board Should Know About Meeting in Executive Session, February 15( — "Every Board needs to handle confidential matters, such as evaluating the performance of senior executives, setting employee compensation and dealing with personnel complaints and other sensitive issues. To deal with these matters, most Boards meet in executive session in which only board members and their advisors or select employees attend. But what are the rules for holding executive sessions? Who calls them? What can be discussed and voted on? Does the Board keep minutes of those sessions?" Free.

Hot Tip to learn new skills, knowledge ( — "Search YouTube regularly for quick tips or full lessons to develop your knowledge or skills in a specific area, such as in Excel. There are also many free virtual courses and trainings offered at CourseraedXMIT OpenCourseWare,FindLectures, and Udemy."

Good reads
Redesigning The Mind-Numbing Employee Code Of Conduct—With GIFs  ( — This Fast Company article is more than educational and entertaining. It's a window into the world of possibility and creativity. In what ways can your organization take a different approach to a problem to get better results?

Nonprofit Jargon: 22 Phrases We Love to Hate ( — This item includes internal and external phrases nonprofits use. Thankfully, alternatives are offered!

Podcasts and videos
"We Can Actually Have a Lot of Impact Together” ( — The takeaway? Joining forces leads to having a greater impact together.

Personal capacity building

Fancy a career change? Six tips for finding a new job ( — This advice from The Guardianoffers several very helpful tidbits: start with small actions every day to get the job search going, get to know yourself, and take your time.

Resources and tools

Snapchat for Political and Advocacy Campaigns (  — Chapters include Getting Started, Start Snapping, Public Interaction, and How to Chat.

A Social Media Cheat Sheet for 2017( is as the title suggests. Platforms discussed are Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and several up-and-coming platforms.

Twitter Prompts Users to Share New Profile Pictures( reports that Twitter will prompt users to send a tweet "with an auto-filled #NewProfilePic hashtag" when their profile pic is updated. This is expected to increase engagement. Complete rollout to all platforms could happen in February.

29 of the Best Nonprofit Event Management Software Tools( delivers. Why waste time doing an internet search when you have this list from Wild Apricot?

Have a go-to tool or capacity building resource? Please share.

Do you have a capacity building resource to share? Please email information to