Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - March 15, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions

Local Leaders Out Front: Responding to Community-led Strategies and Investing in Local Leaders of Color, March 16 ( — Join AchieveMission and TandemEd for this interactive session during which you will be challenged to consider "what might be in your way of supporting and investing in local leaders in your community, and to identify key practices to building and sustaining a justice-minded approach to your work."

Business Continuity Planning and IT Recovery, March 30 (  — Among other things, participants will learn how to address risk mitigation and identify potential hazards that could disrupt or ruin your organization, in order of probability. Free.

Turbocharge your online community engagement with email marketing ( — A few key takeaways are how to select the best content for your community newsletter, the optimal number of images for your newsletter, and promoting your video. Free.

Citizen Engagement: A Game Changer for Development ( — In this edX course, you will learn "about citizen engagement and critically analyze how it can be leveraged most effectively to achieve development results." Started March 15. Free.

Good reads

Our Aging Population Can Be An Economic Powerhouse–If We Let It ( — An interesting read and one that challenges us to think about how we will address a growing older population. As the author writes, "Like climate change, says Paul Irving, the chair of the Center for the Future of Aging at the Milken Institute, the graying of the U.S. population–and that of the whole world–is a phenomenon that has been a long time coming, but that we remain largely unprepared to confront."

A Framework for Great Nonprofit Leadership ( — Love this: "In an effort to cut through the clutter of literature and research, and to help nonprofits better understand what makes for an effective nonprofit leader, we partnered with The David and Lucile Packard Foundation to conduct a review of select existing research and writing on the topic (see our bibliography of selected sources)." A must-read from The Bridgespan Group.

The Problem with Saying “My Door Is Always Open” ( — "Leaders often have an inflated idea of how easy it is for others to speak honestly to them. Our two-year research study, including interviews with over 60 senior executives, as well as workshops and case studies, illuminates a glaring blind spot: We simply don’t appreciate how risky it can feel for others to speak up.

This is because, if we are in a powerful position, we often take power for granted. As a member of a privileged in-group, we forget what it is like to be in the less privileged out-group." (H/t Capitol Hill Style,

Personal capacity building

What Recruiters Are Really Thinking When They Hear These Cliche Interview Answers ( — A must-read. (H/t Capitol Hill Style,

Resources and tools

Communication Audit Checklist ( — Nonprofit Toolkit's audit tool helps organizations determine how they "look and sound like" across the org. From this, organizations can make any needed changes to look and feel or voice. Free.

3 Ways to Create a Video Studio on Any Budget ( — While basic, this article explains when and why certain solutions work. And it allows you to reserve your brainpower for more pressing issues.

10 Random, But Useful Online Communications Tips for Nonprofits ( — Clickbait this is not.  First on the list: "Coordinate Tweets and Facebook Posts with e-newsletters and fundraising appeals" followed by "Create social media graphics for reports and fundraising events" and "Allow staff to link to their LinkedIn Profiles in their online bios on your website." Read. Learn. Do.