Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - March 22, 2017

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
Nonprofit Productivity Hacks to Conquer the Summer Slowdown, May 10 (  — Do you use summer to complete the projects you are not able to get done the other nine months of the year? Does it leave you stressed? Participate in this webinar and help you manage your summer, and special projects better. Free.

Storytelling for Leaders: How to Craft Stories That Matter( — Take 25 minutes to watch the beautiful and accessible videos in Keith Yamashita's skillshare and you will learn how to craft a compelling story that matters to your audience. (H/t Swiss Miss,

There's a lot of good advice in Thinking about local level advocacy ( on the Public Lab website. Take a few to read even if you think you've got advocacy down. 

For the Chronically Late, It's Not a Power Trip  ( — Ten years later and this Q and A format article is still relevant. Phyllis Korkkia tackles tardiness, the incredibly annoying and problematic behavior. She quotes Diana DeLonzor, author ofNever Be Late Again, "It's not usually about control. It's not that they don't value your time. It's not that they like the attention when they walk into the room." Still, tardiness can negatively impact individuals personally and professionally. (H/t Capitol Hill Style,

Why This CEO Appointed An Employee To Change Dumb Company Rules ( — There are no words to express how important this is. But don't be confused. This is not about processes to manage staff who routinely break rules, overstep, underperform. That's what supervisors are for.

Personal capacity building

5 Questions That'll Help You Pinpoint Why You're Unhappy at Work ( — Even better than the questions asked are the books recommended. (H/t Capitol Hill Style,

You Have a LinkedIn Profile. Now What?( — Social media expert Jonathan Rick's is long but so worth the time. Rather than simply saying "be more specific," he provides examples of transformations. One such transformation starts with "Responsibility: Maintained a mailing list of customers." and ended with "Accomplishment: Managed a mailing list of 12,000 customers, the art center's largest ever." So read and share.

Resources and tools

Tools for Mapping Location Data by Sarah Dunifon ( — Information in this American Evaluation Association blog post is categorized as "Rad Resource" or "Hot Tip." Dunifon does more than list the mapping tool. She explains the basics of the tools and adds extras such as limitations and advantages.

730DC ( — "730DC is a daily email newsletter that connects young Washington to their city and each other. Weekday mornings, 7:30 am." Perhaps even better: You cansubmit news stories and events.

Top Free Tools for Communication Professionals( — All the resources shared by Robin Good are catalogued here. Bookmark.