Funding Alert: DOEE Resources Available for Watershed Protection Projects

The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) offers several grant and rebate programs to support efforts to protect DC’s watersheds—including the Anacostia River—and even if you don’t work for an “environmental” organization or company, you are still eligible to apply to many of them.

You can download the PDF of some of these resources, or check out the list below. Questions? Contact Kara Pennino at or find DOEE on Twitter.


Clean Water Construction (CWC)

Clean Water Construction (CWC) Program funds the design and construction of voluntary stormwater green infrastructure and habitat restorations that help to improve District water quality. Projects in the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) area receive priority. (You can find out if you are in the MS4 system here.)

$40,000 - $1,800,000 per project is available.

Who can apply? Nonprofits Organizations, Government Agencies, Faith-based Organizations, Universities/ Educational Institutions, Private Enterprises.

When can they apply? March

Community Stormwater Solutions Grants

Community Stormwater Solutions Grants funds community-oriented projects that improve water quality, raise awareness, and achieve behavior change about what citizens can do to restore our rivers, streams, and parks. Projects in the MS4 area receive priority.

Up to $20,000 per project is available.

Who can apply? Nonprofits Organizations, Faith-based Organizations, Universities/ Educational Institutions, and Private Enterprises.

When can they apply? November

Green Zone Environmental Program (GZEP)

Green Zone Environmental Program (GZEP) Watershed Protection Projects funds hands-on activities and curriculum that restore District water bodies and raise awareness about the impacts of stormwater runoff on the District’s watersheds. The projects are carried out with DOEE’s Green Zone Environmental Program (GZEP), which provides paid training and work experiences to approximately 350 teenagers and young adults ages 14-24.

$15,000 per project is available.

Who can apply? Nonprofits Organizations, Faith-based Organizations, Universities/ Educational Institutions, and Private Enterprises.

When can they apply? January

Innovative LID Grant

Innovative LID Grant funds low impact development or green infrastructure projects that retain and treat stormwater. Projects in the MS4 area receive priority.

$100,000- $500,000 per year available in total. Multiple projects awarded.

Who can apply? Nonprofits Organizations, Individuals, Faith-based Organizations, Universities/ Educational Institutions, and Private Enterprises.

When can they apply? Spring

RiverSmart Communities Demonstration

RiverSmart Communities Demonstration funds 100% of the cost to install green infrastructure on eligible properties. Projects are selected through a competitive review process focused on environmental benefits of the project, plan for community engagement, and project cost effectiveness and feasibility.

$20,000-$30,000 per project is available.

Who can apply? Nonprofits Organizations and Faith-based Organizations

When can they apply? Spring

RiverSmart Schools

RiverSmart Schools funds design, installation, professional development, and curriculum development of schoolyard greening projects.

Up to $300,000 is available.

Who can apply? District of Columbia Public Schools, Charter Schools, and Private Schools

When can they apply? October

Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC)

Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Aggregator Startup Grant funds SRC aggregators to design green infrastructure practices, typically across multiple sites, through technical and outreach work. Projects in the MS4 area receive priority.

$75,000 per organization is available.

Who can apply? Organizations who want to form an SRC-generating business

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information, visit:

Other Potential Opportunities

The Watershed Protection Division, Restoration Branch will accept suggestions from nonprofit organizations for projects or programs that do not currently exist within DOEE. If deemed feasible and beneficial, DOEE may award grant funding to support the project if deemed feasible and supportive of agency priorities. Contact Steve Saari at (202) 535-2961 or


Large Parcel Tree Planting

Large Parcel Tree Planting funds 100% of design and implementation of large-scale tree plantings for properties throughout the District.

Who can apply? Nonprofits Organizations, Faith-based Organizations, and Private Enterprises

When can they apply? Anytime

RiverSmart Homes

RiverSmart Homes is a program that offers incentives to homeowners interested in reducing stormwater runoff from their properties. Homeowners receive a free stormwater audit, which determines their eligibility for subsidies to adopt one or more landscape enhancements including: rain barrels, shade trees, rain gardens, and BayScaping with a co-payment of $50-$100 for each enhancement.

Who can apply? District homeowners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

RiverSmart Permeable Service Program

RiverSmart Permeable Service Program provides rebates for property owners who voluntarily remove impervious and compacted surfaces and replace them with permeable pavement and/or vegetation. $5-$10/sq. ft. rebate depending on if in MS4 area.

Who can apply? District homeowners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

RiverSmart Homes Rain Barrel Rebate Program

RiverSmart Homes Rain Barrel Rebate Program provides rebates for property owners who purchase and install rain barrels or cisterns. Up to $1,000 per property is available.

Who can apply? District homeowners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

RiverSmart Homes Rain Garden Rebate Program

RiverSmart Homes Rain Garden Rebate Program provides rebates for property owners who install rain gardens. Up to $2,000 per property is available.

Who can apply? District homeowners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

RiverSmart Rooftops Rebate Program

RiverSmart Rooftops Rebate Program funds rebate for property owners who voluntarily install green roofs. $10-$15/sq. ft. rebate depending on if in MS4 area.

Who can apply? District homeowners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

RiverSmart Trees Rebate Program

RiverSmart Trees Rebate Program funds rebate of $50 or $100 to individuals who purchase and plant trees on private residential or commercial property.

Who can apply? District homeowners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:



Adopt-Your-District is a volunteer program that supports residents interested in adopting a block, park, or stream to keep their neighborhoods safe and clean for their community to enjoy.

Who can apply? District residents

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

GreenWrench Technical Assistance Program

GreenWrench Technical Assistance Program provides free pollution prevention guidance and training to District mechanics and auto body shops and includes onsite technical assistance, newsletter, workshops, and a certification program so customers can easily find shops that are working to support healthy watersheds.

Who can apply? Auto body and repair shops at businesses, universities, government facilities, and other locations, mobile repair businesses included.

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information, visit or call (202) 645-4231.

Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Price Lock Program

Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Price Lock Program funds the purchase of SRCs from new, voluntary green infrastructure projects located in the MS4 at fixed prices. The program allows participants to sell SRCs to DOEE for the first 12 years of SRC certification if they do not negotiate a higher market price. $11,500,000 available in total.

Who can apply? Any SRC generator with a preliminary design for a qualifying project

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Site Evaluation Program

Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Site Evaluation Program funds free technical assistance to evaluate green infrastructure opportunities on sites of at least 0.5 acres in the MS4.

Who can apply? Property owners

When can they apply? Anytime. For more information visit:

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