Navigating Demographic Change theme of December 1 Ward 7 @dcstorycircle

Changes are happening and will continue for the foreseeable future in Ward 7, particularly in downtown Ward 7 (Benning Road/Minnesota Avenue intersection, East Capitol Street/Minnesota Avenue intersection, among others). Talking about the past, how changes are affecting current residents and businesses, and what the future holds are all fodder for stories. Share them at the D.C. Story Circle Project circle Saturday, December 1.

Navigating Demographic Change is the theme of the Ward 7 circle, a topic identified by residents and other stakeholders.

Why APACC cares

APACC is committed to engaging those who live near Anacostia River and Anacostia Park in identifying the future of their community, particularly at the intersection of water quality, neighborhood development, and green space. While APACC may not be sponsoring this story circle, APACC has a vested interest in its success.

Additionally, the Policy Work Group is in the early stages of creating the network’s policy and action agenda. Fundamental is demographic data. Stories which can add depth, nuance, and color to the data are essential for a better, deeper understanding of the past, present, and future.