Nonprofit/social enterprise organizational sustainability is focus of new training program

Black woman leading meeting/training.

Financial sustainability is a major, perhaps the most important, concern of community-based organizations. Nonprofits and social enterprises can get help from the seven-module training program focused on organizational sustainability offered by Project 500™. The program includes online and offline training, one-on-one office hours, and customized assistance related to fundraising and capacity building. The goal of the program is for participants to successfully apply and retain funding towards organizational sustainability. 

The seven modules, in the form of workshops, exercises, application of what’s been learned, and readings are:

  1. Getting Your House in Order—review of vision, mission, business model, and governance

  2. Mini Strategic Planning—program planning and scale for the future

  3. Critical Policies and Procedures—creating supports to insure compliance and capacity

  4. Financial Planning—budgeting and projections for the organization

  5. Metrics and Evaluation—developing tools to monitor the organization and its programs

  6. Grant Writing—tools, techniques, and resources for writing successful proposals

  7. Fundraising—examination of diverse funding sources to support sustainability

Success is largely dependent on participation in all workshops and other learning and support activities. Can you commit? Are you interested? Complete a short survey.