Grow your Capacity: Free Stock Photos, Free Writing Course for Activists and more

One of the ways APACC helps members build their organizational capacity is through a weekly post with useful information and skill-building opportunities. Check out this week’s post.

Local Events and Resources

Free Computer Basics Class

Tell your clients, family and friends about this 12-week class offered by Community Tech LLC. Participants will create a professional resume and apply for internships or jobs. All participants have the opportunity to receive their Microsoft Certification and/or IC3 Certification. Register May 2 from 1:00-3:00 pm at the kiosk located on 2101 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. SE.

Ward 7 and 8 Entrepreneur’s Business Speaker Series continues May 2

The Congress Heights Community Training & Development Corporation (CHCTDC), Great Streets BLC, Destination Congress Heights MS program, and WACIF are leading a four-session speaker series on major DC small biz topics. The May 2 topic is Licensing & Certified Business Enterprises CBE Certification. Free.

Tools and Resources

At work

Learn something

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools we have. Right now, far too many of the stories about important social issues are being told by people who aren't on the ground.

With over 10 years as a community organizer and writer
, what I know for sure is that incomplete stories lead to incomplete solutions. Our movements need more people telling stories in mainstream and independent media.

Lend your voice to the movement and join me for a masterclass on being a more effective writer and getting published.

This workshop is for activists and community organizers who want to tell more complete, honest and important stories.

Topics we'll explore:
Be sure to bring your pen and notebook because this is an interactive masterclass where you will leave with actionable information on: Why our stories matter, How to find and define your audience, Content development & research, and How to pitch to online publications.

Good reads