Volunteer in DC's little bit of heaven, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

APACC member Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is dedicated to ensuring the Gardens are a well-maintained, well-enjoyed, and welcoming park for neighbors and visitors. As the nonprofit partner for this oasis, Friends connects people to the park through stewardship, public engagement, and educational programs in cooperation with the National Park Service.
Located only a few miles from the capitol building - Northeast DC, 1550 Anacostia Ave NE, to be exact -  Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is a natural jewel along the historic Anacostia River that is wild and otherworldly. It’s the only national park dedicated to cultivated aquatic plants with over 40 ponds teeming with water lilies, lotus and wildlife. The Gardens contain the city's only remnant tidal marsh and natural riparian environments along the Anacostia, as well as access to miles of hiking/biking on Anacostia River Trail.
The organization, an official partner of owner and manager National Park Service, relies on hundreds of volunteers each year to help maintain the park's natural beauty, including its spectacular water lilies and lotus, and to ensure healthy habitat for abundant wildlife.
"Volunteering here is a dirty job," says executive director Tina O'Connell. "But the drop-dead beauty of this place keeps people coming back to visit and volunteer year after year," she continued.
Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens has monthly volunteer opportunities and they fill quickly. Learn more and sign up.

Photos: Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens