Grow your capacity: Board development, advocacy training, tools to make work more efficient, more

Local Events and Resources

Bridges - Senior Advocacy Flyer_001.png

Board Basics: Board Voting and Other Board Actions - How to Get It Right, Tuesday, July 24: This free webinar from the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center features Jason Qu leading a practical discussion of the dos and don'ts of board voting and other mechanisms for taking board action. Topics covered will include the mechanics of board voting, acting through unanimous written consent, and actions taken by board committees. Register:

Seniors: Advocating for Change, July 24: Join Building Bridges to Success and East River Family Strengthening Collaborative Tuesday, July 24 at the Washington Senior Wellness Center to discuss the role older residents play in community development and ways to get involved. RSVP to (202) 670-6995.

Comment on Sustainable DC 2.0 by July 15: Sustainable DC is excited to release the SDC 2.0 Outline. The Outline represents the combined ideas and feedback from the community, working groups, District Government staff, and technical experts. Your feedback on this Outline will be used to develop a full draft plan to be released in August. You can read and comment directly in the draft Outline document online anytime before July 15, 2018.

Workforce Wednesday, August 1: Visit the American Job Center Headquarters at DOES on Minnesota Ave NE learn about American Job Center services and register for free industry-recognized occupational skills training. Register online.

District Works Small Business Roundtable, July 11: Returning citizens have a role to play and small business is often a way they want to settle in. Learn about ways you can help move legislation before the DC Council to make it easier. Free.


Tools and Resources

  • Creating a 30-Day Social Media Plan walks readers through the process, step-by-step, day-by-day. And it's not merely a list of steps. Sprout Social provides details, examples, and links.
  • HelloBox is an online tool designed to help you build an online community. The tool allows users to add text and tags, attachments, comments, images, and more. Voting is also an option. Free, paid plan coming in the future.
  • Grammar Girl is my go-to grammar resource. There are tips galore and you can search for things like affect versus effect and 'Aggravate' or 'Irritate'?
  • 10 Summer Fundraisers for 2018
  • Social Media Examiner's 26 Tools and Apps for Social Media Marketers includes several cool tools: PORTRA (transforms images from your mobile into paintings or drawings), Let's Enhance (free online tool that scales images up to 4x without visibly degrading the image quality), and Adobe Capture (find out the exact colors in any color scheme, whether it's a printed piece or a nature scene).


At work


Learn something

  • Perfecting your Pitch: How to Successfully tell your Story to the Media, July 12: Gaining visibility can help build your community and increase your donor base. Learn how to perfect your pitch, identify PR strategies which can help you successfully tell your story to the media, build your community, and increase your donor base. Free.
  • How to Design Your Website to Attract Your Ideal Clients, July 12: You have a website and you don't want to send people there because you don't like how it looks. You want to make your website look better and you don't have much of a budget. You want your brand to shine online and connect powerfully with donors, clients, the media, and peers. Join in the webinar and you'll learn how to choose colors that complement your brand message, how to get a logo that doesn't cost a zillion dollars, how to find and choose good photo stock images, and web page layout tips.
  • Interacting with Candidates: 5 Approaches for Your Nonprofit, July 19: Why engage with candidates? In addition to getting your issues in front of the candidates and building relationships that can support your work long term, candidate engagement is a great way to get your clients and constituents fired up about the upcoming election. Free.
  • Co-design in Collaboration - Moving from Buy In to Shared Ownership, July 26. Free webinar from Tamarack.


Good reads
