Grow your capacity: Legal services, training on Supported Decision-Making, writing an effective survey hook, more

Local events and resources

Community training for people with disabilities and their families, August 14 (11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Anacostia Neighborhood Library, 1800 Good Hope Rd, SE in the Ora Glover Community Room): Quality Trust is conducting this training on the Disability Services Reform Amendment Act and specifically how to use Supported Decision-Making under the new law.  People with disabilities can use these agreements to name chosen supporters—such as family members, close friends, and other people they trust—to help them in making their own decisions regarding health care, money, education, and other supports and services.  When a Supported Decision-Making Agreement meets the new law's requirements, it is a legally enforceable document. RSVP to Jessica Bronson at the Jenny Hatch Justice Project, or (202) 448-1448.

Free solar for income-qualified homeowners: If you are or know a homeowner in DC and are interested in going solar, contact Shelley Cohen—(202) 422-4488 or—for info about DC's Solar For All Grant program. Homeowners automatically qualify if they are on any assistance programs like SNAP or LIHEAP. If they are not on assistance, they may qualify based on income. Learn more about GRID Alternatives, the contractor, and DC Solar for All Program.

Neighborhood Legal Services Program is closing their southeast DC office while their new east of the river office is completed and the organization moves. While the renovation and move take place, people may use NLSP's other offices: 64 New York Ave, NE and 4609 Polk St, NE.

Neighborhood Legal Services Program will be closed for intake August 6 through August 10. They will resume their normal intake hours—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm—Monday, August 13 at 64 New York Ave, NE and 4609 Polk St, NE.


Tools and resources

  • If you need to know the date a webpage was published but there's no date in sight, follow the instructions detailed in Find the Date When a Web Page was First Published on the Internet. So cool. So easy.
  • Hemingway Editor is an easy-to-use editor. Drop in already written text or start from scratch and Hemingway will check for adverbs, passive voice, complicated phrases, and hard-to-read sentences.
  • 3 Tips for Writing a Great Survey Hook is a terrific help. Includes examples. (Textizen)
  • Try Make A Gif if you need one that doesn't exist (or just too hard to find!). You can start from a photo, YouTube, or Facebook. You can also use the tool to store your gifs, even if created somewhere else. Free and premium.
  • Okay, so the title is a bit much, but the content is good, with a number of ideas which can be implemented by businesses, nonprofits, and governments alike. So read 13 Extraordinary Marketing Ideas for Entrepreneurs. Some faves: 1) Promote and describe partnerships on your website. 2) Create valuable content: take pictures, videos, and tell stories about what you do in real, human terms. And 3) Connect with the media. You can be a story source, provide background information, or a cheerleader of quality journalism.


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