In the news: primary and specialty health services coming to Ward 7 in early 2019

Ward 7 is finally getting some of the primary care and specialty services it needs.

Early next year, East of the River Health Center will open in SOME's Conway Center on Benning Rd, NE. It will offer much-needed primary care services and desperately-needed prenatal, mental health, and substance abuse treatment and support services. Unity Health Care and Howard University Hospital will work together to provide the additional specialty services needed, particularly with the closure of the United Medical Center maternity unit.

Read more about the new health center in New clinic in D.C.’s Ward 7 is an attempt to address disparities (Washington Post) and Unity Health Care, Howard Hospital to open specialty clinic in Ward 7 early next year (Washington Business Journal).


Why APACC cares

One of APACC's goals is to "Enhance the quality of life of residents and other stakeholder in communities near the river by improving access to economic opportunities, affordable housing, wellness and healthcare, and parkland and other outdoor recreation opportunities." This new clinic is the epitome of healthcare.


IMAGES: So Others Might Eat Conway Center video.