Take action on Visualize 2045

Transportation and public policies associated with it are challenged now to meet the needs of DC and the region. Imagine what it will be like in 2045.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) are not waiting. They are planning—and actively engaging residents, business owners, stakeholders, visitors, and others—right now as you can see from Participate in Visualize 2045. What's the latest engagement? Forums. They're taking place in September (see images below). The DC forum takes place Thursday, September 13 from 5:00-7:00 pm at Ron Brown College Prep in Ward 7.

Stay on top of the status of Visualize 2045 by following them on Twitter @NatCapRegTPB using #VIZ2045 and/or signing up for their email updates.


Why APACC cares

Equitable development, wellness, and Anacostia Park and Anacostia River are all impacted positively and negatively by transportation. For example, much of Ward 8 is cut off from the park and river by 295. Getting over 295 for Ward 7 residents can be trying, particularly for those with mobility challenges. Similarly, residents of both wards clamor for more and better employment opportunities. Since few of them will be in their neighborhood, accessible, reliable, and affordable transportation is a must.