Affordable DC-based community leadership program now accepting applications


Leaders are not always the individuals who have gone to the "best" schools, who have the most senior position, or who assert themselves as leaders. Lots of times, many times, they are like you and you and you.

LeadIN is a local DC organization dedicated to leadership development and community leadership development in particular. Their Fall 2018 LeadIN Core cohort is accepting applications through August 19.

What is LeadIN Core? According to the organization, it

is a 10-week long in-person program that brings together professionals [but not always] of diverse fields, backgrounds, and experiences to learn with and from each other and grow their leadership. Each group is intentionally kept small (between 8 and 12 individuals) to create an intimate and interactive learning environment.

Wow, at 10 weeks, it must be expensive. Not one bit. The organization asks for a $20 commitment fee and suggests participants buy one resource costing $35. Other than transportation to and from and putting in time for homework and class time, the $55 is it. And, there's no application fee, either.

The fall not a good time? LeadIN Core is available two additional times during the year.