Grow your capacity: Custom t-shirts, IZ housing lottery, social media explainer, more

Local events and resources

The Daily WRAG from the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers is a daily email featuring a variety of information including news links and important information to grantmakers, and thus grantseekers. Sign up to start receiving it. Free.

If you need custom-printed t-shirts for an upcoming event, check out MetaWear. The shirts are sustainably-sourced and -produced and made in the US.

Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO) offers Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) lottery orientations, required for participation in the DC government's IZ program. Households interested in renting or purchasing an IZ property must attend an IZ Orientation on the fourth Thursday of the month at Noon or 2:30 pm.

Tools and resources



At work


Learn something



Good reads

Extraverts get energy from interacting with other people, but so do introverts. The difference is that introverts get overloaded more easily. Wherever you stand on that spectrum, it's worth paying attention to what kinds of social situations energize you and which ones exhaust you. Here’s my graph: