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Local events and resources

Idealist Graduate School Fair, Monday, October 1: If you considering graduate school or know someone who is, you should attend the grad school fair presented by Columbia University's School of Professional Studies. The fair is free to attend and great for anyone interested in a socially-minded career path, or looking to advance in the nonprofit or public service sectors. Some of the schools attending: Mercatus Center at George Mason University, American University of Paris, Bard Graduate Programs in Sustainability, Baylor University Garland School of Social Work, and Duke University - Nicholas School of the Environment.

Pesticide Applicator Certificate Training, September 10-14: Participate in this free five-day training to prepare to take the pesticide certification exam for recertification or to obtain a pesticide applicator license and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) certification from the Department of Energy and Environment. The training will supply participants with general knowledge of proper management practices concerning pesticide use. The sessions take place at UDC's Van Ness Campus.

Understanding the Fundamentals of The Employment Relationship: A Four-Part Employment Law Course for Nonprofit Executives: This new nonprofit law series from the DC Bar Pro Bono Center and others esteemed organizations starts Tuesday, October 16.

Kimberly Suiters leaves Channel 7/WJLA: DCRTV reports that Suiters has left anchor and reporting gigs at Channel 7/WJLA where she's been for the past seven years.

Jessob Reisbeck to Channel 7/WJLA: DCRTV reports that Reisbeck will join "Good Morning Washington" September 17 as a news anchor. His previous gigs have been in Milwaukee, Syracuse, and Fresno.

WUSA loses Jan Jeffcoat: DCRTV reports "Channel 9/WUSA news anchor Jan Jeffcoat is headed for Los Angeles so her husband, Matthew Kinsley, can continue to grow his TV agent business. Earlier this year, Jeffcoat helped launch the Tegna-owned station's new morning show, 'Get Up DC,' with comedian Reese Waters."


Tools and resources

After receiving help, don't say "I owe you a favor." It reduces an act of kindness to an accounting transaction.

Instead of offering to repay a debt, signal a willingness to be generous: "Let me know if I can ever be helpful" or "I stand ready to pay it forward."

Or better yet, just say thank you and tell them how much you appreciate their help.


At work

I would really love your perspective on this growing practice of 'mandated corporate fun' - the company trips to the bowling alley, escape rooms, wine tastings after work, etc. I quite like my co-workers, truly enjoy tackling the problems we face in our business and feel like we have a great, team-oriented, problem-solving culture. What I want to focus on when I come to work is ... call me crazy ... work!

However, my company puts on periodic 'play/fun' events (once or twice a month) where employees are strongly expected (but not forced) to attend. When these are held during the work day, I feel like they are a distraction from getting our jobs done. When these are held or extend to after-work-hours, I feel like these are robbing me of time with my friends, family and personal pursuits. How can I tell my company that I come to work to work ... I'm not coming to the office for a social life?


Learn something

  • Wild Apricot's 46 Free Nonprofit Webinars for September 2018 is another winner. Faves September 2-15 are Five Things You Need to Know About Harassment Investigations (September 6), How to Make Event Volunteers Love You (September 12), and The Great Divide: Bridging Intergenerational Gaps to Fully Engage Your Volunteers (September 13).

  • Transition is a nonprofit organization which serves as the national hub for the international Transition Towns movement of communities transitioning off fossil fuels, living in balance with resource limits, and building equity for all. Their mission is to catalyze and strengthen a national network of people-powered groups who are building local resilience through community action. Transition Launch is an eight-week training comprised of video-provided learning and live online video meetings designed to help communities create or strengthen resilience-building initiatives.

  • 200+ Fundraising Ideas Proven to Raise More Donations For Your Cause truly deserves a +1000 since in addition to providing the idea, it provides

  1. The cost for each idea, with the lowest-cost fundraisers indicated by $ going all the way to $$$$ for the highest-cost fundraisers.

  2. The complexity for each idea, which is rated on a scale of 1 to 4. 1 indicates an easy fundraiser that’s quick to plan, and 4 indicates an event that takes a lot of coordination with different stakeholders to get up and running.

  3. The expected return for each idea, also indicated from $ to $$$$.

  4. Advice and practical tips from a variety of fundraising experts throughout the post to inspire you along your fundraising journey.

  5. The ideas sorted the ideas by type


Good reads