What are your ideas to improve the Anacostia River corridor? Tell us at Art All Night Congress Heights, Sat., Sept. 29


When you step into APACC’s booth at Art All Night in Congress Heights, you’ll have the chance to help design the future of the Anacostia River Corridor—the Anacostia River, Anacostia Park, and neighborhoods closest to the park and river—on CORRIDORscape.

Art All Night in Congress Heights is Saturday, September 29 starting at 4:00 pm and APACC will be at Petey Greene (2907 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE). In addition to CORRIDORscape, APACC will share swag from the Department from Energy and Environment, treats, information about protecting the environment from stormwater runoff, and the individual and community-wide benefits of solar.


It’s all about the voice of the people

CORRIDORscape is part of APACC’s policy and action agenda process we’re calling Vox Pox, Voice of the People. APACC member organizations Anacostia Coordinating Council (ACC), Clean Water Action, and Groundswell are making APACC’s participation possible. APACC and members have recently started making our rounds of the corridor to get input from people who currently live in Wards 7 and 8, particularly those close to Anacostia Park and Anacostia River. (See PARK(ing) Day 2018 on MLK: A recap in tweets for our most recent CORRIDORscape input event.)

Following each event, APACC will share each piece of input with the public and ask for reactions, additional thoughts, and more. Ultimately, APACC will take all the public comments into consideration when we develop our five-year policy agenda and action plan. So stay tuned here to see what we learned at Art All Night!
