Comment on Metro's proposed FY 2020 budget; deadline, February 5

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Metro’s proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget (PDF) is open for public comment and WMATA is encouraging customers and others to comment by the February 5 deadline. There are several ways to comment:

  1. Attend an open house and public hearing. The DC hearing takes place Tuesday, January 29, at the Metro Headquarters Building (600 5th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). The Open House is at 5:30 pm and the Public Hearing starts at 6:00 pm. Get details about the events and registering to speak in the docket (PDF). Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender, religion, disability or family status. If you require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or translation services (free of charge), contact the project team at (202) 962-2511 (TTY: 202-962- 2033) at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing date. (Note: dates may change due to weather. Check online for schedule changes.)

  2. Take the online survey (in English and Spanish) by February 5 at 5:00 pm.

  3. Mail comments. To be included in the public record, mailed comments must be received by February 5, 5:00 pm. Mail to: Office of the Board Secretary, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 600 Fifth St NW, Washington, DC 20001.

cover of wmata’s proposed fy 2020 budget

The proposed operating budget of $1.9 billion includes “several key initiatives:”

  • Expanding weekday rush hours to provide more frequent service later in the morning (5:00-10:00 am) and evening (3:00-8:30 pm).

  • Extending service on the Yellow Line to Greenbelt instead of Fort Totten or Mt Vernon Square.

  • Extending all Red Line trains to Glenmont during weekday rush hours and weekends instead of ending some trains at Silver Spring.

  • Running all eight-car trains.

  • Implementing a $2 weekend flat fare on Metrorail, excluding special events.

  • Reducing the cost of the seven-day bus pass from $17.50 to $15.00.

  • Adding unlimited local Metrobus trips to Metro's unlimited monthly rail pass, SelectPass, at no additional cost.

In addition, the proposed budget “assumes no fare increases, no service reductions. . .”

The $1.4 billion Capital Improvement Program invests in “safety and reliability improvements, rebuilding the Metro system and improving the effectiveness of the current rail and bus network.”

Metro's Fiscal Year 2020 budget and any approved changes would take effect July 1, 2019.


What will WMATA do with the comments?

All the comments—via mail, survey, and public hearings—will be given to the board and will be part of the official public hearing record. This means that board members will have the opportunity to read and listen to what riders, stakeholders, and transportation advocates have to say, including recommendations for changes to the proposed budget.

(Note: All comments are part of the public record and thus may be released to the public upon request, and may be posted on WMATA’s website, without change, including any personal information provided.)

Why APACC cares

Equitable development, wellness, and Anacostia Park and Anacostia River are all impacted positively and negatively by transportation. So is employment, and residents of Wards 7 and 8 clamor for more and better employment opportunities. Since few jobs are located where people live, accessible, reliable, and affordable transportation is a must.