Budget hearings start Monday, March 25; sign up now to testify

voice of the people #dcfy20. program funding/policy priorities/advocacy.

DC Council's FY 2020 annual budget review process starts Friday, March 22 with the Committee of the Whole briefing. Public hearings start Monday, March 25 and end Thursday, April 25. The public is encouraged to testify at the hearings or submit written statements for the record. Note that the budget hearing schedule sometimes changes so be sure to verify the hearing date before you head to the John A. Wilson Building to watch or testify at a hearing. 


Budget hearings of particular interest to APACC

Tuesday, March 26, 11:00 am: Office of Planning

"OP performs planning for neighborhoods, corridors, districts, historic preservation, public facilities, parks and open spaces, and individual sites. In addition, OP engages in urban design, land use, and historic preservation review. OP also conducts historic resources research and community visioning, and manages, analyzes, maps, and disseminates spatial and US Census data." (About the DC Office of Planning

The Office of Planning is one of the agencies working with DPR on Kenilworth Park North.  

The public may testify at this Committee of the Whole (Chair: Council Chair Phil Mendelson, At-large) hearing. Sign up: (202) 724-8196, cow@dccouncil.us.   

Watch the OP hearing (Room 500)


Monday, April 1, 11:00 am: Department of Energy and the Environment

A great deal of the Department of Energy and the Environment's work is of interest to APACC. This includes the cleanup of the Anacostia River, climate change, the flooding of Watts Branch, its role in Kenilworth Park and especially Kenilworth Park North, the Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charge, and the CRIAC Nonprofit Relief Program. 

The public may testify at this Committee on Transportation and the Environment (Chair: CM Mary Cheh, Ward 3) hearing. Sign up: (202) 724-8062, abenjamin@dccouncil.us.

Watch the hearing in Room 120.


Friday, April 5, 10:00 am: Department of Parks and Recreation

The Department of Parks and Recreation is coordinating for DC government the federal government transfer of Kenilworth Park North to DC.  

The public may testify at this Committee on Recreation and Youth Affairs (Chair: CM Trayon White, Ward 8) hearing. Sign up: (202) 727-7903, nfleming@dccouncil.us

Watch the DPR hearing (Room 412)


Monday, April 22, 2:00 pm: Department of Housing and Community Development and Housing Production Trust Fund

The public may testify at this Committee on Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization (Chair: CM Anita Bonds, At-large) hearing. Sign up: (202) 724-8198, omontiel@dccouncil.us

Watch the hearing (Room 412)


Wednesday, April 10, 10:00 am: Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development

"The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) assists the Mayor in the coordination, planning, supervision, and execution of economic development efforts in the District of Columbia with the goal of creating and preserving affordable housing, creating jobs, and increasing tax revenue. DMPED pursues policies and programs that create strong neighborhoods, expand and diversify the local economy, and provide residents with pathways to the middle class. (About DMPED

The public may testify at this Committee on Business & Economic Development (Chair: CM Kenyan McDuffie, Ward 5) hearing. Sign up: (202) 724-8053, cautrey@dccouncil.us

Watch the hearing in Room 412.