DC has the most gentrifying neighborhoods of the entire United States

According to a Washington Post article about a study recently completed by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, “D.C. has the highest ‘intensity’ of gentrification of any U.S. city.”

Other highlights from the article include:

  • “About 40 percent of the District’s lower-income neighborhoods experienced gentrification between 2000 and 2013.”

  • “The District saw the most African American residents — more than 20,000 — displaced from their neighborhoods during that time, mostly by affluent, white newcomers.“

  • “Gentrification has followed a national move back to cities, particularly among affluent workers.”

Many of us who have witnessed the District’s transformation in recent years may not be surprised by this news. The pace of development has been swift. APACC members believe that the Anacostia River is a great amenity and provides value to nearby neighborhoods, but we are working together to find ways to make sure that residents who have lived along the river for a long time will be able to benefit as it gets better.