DOEE Bi-Annual Watershed Partners Meeting

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Join the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) this Thursday, October 14 at 1:00 PM for the bi-annual watershed partners meeting. This event is an opportunity for DOEE partners to network, hear from DOEE staff, share lessons learned, and ask questions. The themes of this meeting are Water Quality Monitoring & Reporting and Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance.

During the meeting there will be breakout rooms to provide space people feel comfortable sharing anonymous feedback. The following questions will be used to guide the conversation:

  • What are ways DOEE can improve the grantee / contractor experience?

  • What are common challenges you face implementing DOEE grants / contracts and what are ways DOEE can reduce barriers and challenges?

  • How can DOEE support collaborative partnerships?

  • What questions are we not asking that we should be?

  • What are common challenges you face when implementing equity related goals and what are ways DOEE can provide support?

Click here for the meeting agenda that includes WebEx login information. Users who are able to join via the WebEx web-link will be able to see the presentation and participate in the chat feature and breakout rooms. A call-in number is provided as a secondary option to join the meeting.

If you are interested in the overlap between improving the river and equitably improving neighborhoods near the river in Ward 7 and Ward 8 in the District, you can participate in one of the many existing partnerships working on restoring the Anacostia River. Learn more.