Back to School with Joy Community Grant

The Flamboyan Foundation announced a $100,000 in grant funds through the Back to School with Joy community grant initiative. The purpose of the grant is to fund projects at DC public and public charters schools and support community-based organizations that build relationships and creativity within the classroom, and incorporate joyful experiences that celebrate, honor, and value families.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until October 31, 2021, in amounts up to $2,500 for schools and up to $5,000 for community-based organizations. Community-based organizations are eligible to apply for up to $2,500 to support one school or up to $5,000 to support multiple schools. Learn more and download the application form today.

Eligible Applicants: DC public and public charter schools are eligible to apply. Additionally, community-based organizations that support DC public or public charter schools are eligible to co-apply with schools.

Priority Areas: Schools with an at-risk student population above 70% as well as schools located in Wards 7 and 8, current and graduated FEP partners, and the community-based organizations.

If you have any questions, please contact Flamboyan Partner Support at with the subject line “BTS w/ Joy Grant Question.”