What are your capacity-building needs?

The health of the Chesapeake Bay has seen tremendous improvement over the last 20 years thanks to the work of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the many nonprofit organizations and communities that implement restoration projects and engage decisionmakers.

There are plenty of needs among the nonprofit organizations working to protect and restore the Bay and its rivers and streams. To better understand these needs and capacity gaps, NFWF has commissioned the Choose Clean Water Coalition and Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to conduct an assessment to establish a baseline understanding of the capacity of the nonprofit community throughout the Bay watershed.

Please complete this survey by Tuesday, November 23 to help NFWF identify the capacity needs and opportunities of your organization.

As part of its Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund, NFWF has awarded more than 1,300 grants totaling more than $201 million, with these investments leveraging more than $330 million in local matching resources. With strong support for Bay restoration efforts, it's critical the NFWF identifies the projects and opportunities that will make the greatest impact on pollution reduction and water quality improvement. 

Individuals who complete the survey are eligible to win one of three prizes which include scholarships to attend the Alliance's Watershed Forum and the Coalition's Choose Clean Water Conference, tickets to the Wild and Scenic Film Festival, and a free ice cream party for your office! Thank you for all that you.