APACC General Meeting: Friday, December 17

Join us on Friday, December 17 for a presentation from Thomas Minter on the Joint Base Anacostia Bolling Installation Development Plan (JBAB).

JBAB Development Plan Presentation: Friday, December 17, 2021 @ 10 AM
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86592634095?pwd=aUIwS0tVR01NSU1MbFhsdUFRN3ViZz09
Meeting ID: 865 9263 4095
Passcode: 483697
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,86592634095# US (Washington DC)

About JBAB

JBAB is a 966-acre military installation in Southwest Washington, D.C. It was established on October 1, 2010 in accordance with congressional legislation that ordered the consolidation of Naval Support Facility Anacostia and Bolling Air Force Base. Due to its waterfront location and elevation, the site is particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise and flooding caused by climate change. The purpose of the 2014 JBAB Master Plan is to “accommodate evolving internal mission requirements and external development initiatives pertaining to land use, circulation, stormwater management, open space and outdoor recreation, landscape design, architectural design, historic preservation, and energy conservation.”