Taking Nature Black: Re-Entry Roundtable

JOIN us for this FREE 90-minute Taking Nature Black Conference hosted by the Audubon Naturalist Society and sponsored by the U.S.. Forest Service’s Office of Urban and Community Forestry.

Learn about social and economic justice and how expanding career opportunities for the re-entry community is a way to extend healing to this community and to our land.

Join the roundtable discussion Tuesday, September 14 and elevate holistic strategies that connect the green movement with second chance/re-entry programs, services, and advocacy.

Taking Nature Black Conference:
Tuesday, September 14; 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Register today

Marcus Elam, Regional Administrator
Virginia Department of Corrections

Shelley Thomas. Assistant Director of Culture and Climate

Alex Smith, Horticulturalist
Division Landscaping

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The Audubon Naturalist Society is the oldest independent environmental organization in the Washington, DC region.
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