Grant Resources: Racial Justice Initiative, Bay Stewardship & More!

The Horning Family Foundation created the Racial Justice Initiative to invest $5 million over a ten-year period to support Black-led organizing and advocacy.

Applications are due Friday, September 10, 2021 at 11:59PM.

Grant applications are now being accepted for the first round of five-year grants totaling $2.5 million. Grants requests may range from $25,000 to $100,000 per year. RJI will support efforts to change systems, policies, narratives, and practices that oppress and harm Black communities and other communities of color in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

More information about RJI can be found here. If you have any questions about the opportunity, please send an email to


Additional Grants and Opportunities: The Chesapeake Bay Trust

Created in the 1985, the goal of the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBTrust) is to increase stewardship through grant programs, special initiatives, and partnerships that support K-12 environmental education, on-the ground watershed restoration and community engagement,

The CBTrust’s grant-making strategies are shaped by three core objectives; environmental education, demonstration-based restoration, and community engagement. We look to these objectives as basic touchstones for developing our programs, engaging new partners, and communicating about our work.

Open Opportunities and Deadlines:

Learn about the CBTrust’s grant programs and the application process here.