Ward 7, get your engagement on December 3

On Saturday, December 3, Councilmember-elect Vincent Gray is convening the Ward 7 Action Summit to hear from residents about what issues are important and should be prioritized. Attendance is free. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided to participants.
There are many issues affecting Ward 7 residents: education, the environment, economic development, affordable housing, homelessness, jobs… the list is long and varied. But what are the most important of these issues Gray should tackle when he is sworn in next year? 

The Anacostia River and Park and Kenilworth Park are major parts of Ward 7. The river continues to be plagued by trash and toxic chemicals. It needs to be cleaned up! Kenilworth Park sits pretty much vacant and unused because it has toxic issues, too (it used to be the DC dump!). It also needs to be cleaned up and used for programs for Ward 7 families. Attend and talk to Councilmember-elect Gray about how he can be part of the solution. 


Events, Anacostia ParkGuest User