Capacity Building Newsletter - November, 2016

Capacity Building Opportunities

Free trainings and webinars
Is Dropbox Your Next File Server?, November 17( —  Where's best to store your documents? On a CPU or in the cloud? This webinar will discuss the good and bad sides to using Dropbox as an online file server. Free.

Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Webinar: Environmental Quality, November 17 ( —  Join this webinar and learn how the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Air Quality Program is working to improve air quality in New York City by monitoring the impact of pollutants. Free.

Study up on environmental quality before the webinar; take a look at the Healthy People 2020 website:

Good reads

MUST READ: Your Online Outreach Efforts Fall Flat? Stop Looking at the Tech ( — This is less about technology, even outreach, than it is about organizational culture, organizational efficiency, staff collaboration, staff satisfaction, and goal achievement. Read and share.

The rent is too darn high for nonprofits, too( — "Gentrification is often considered a threat to the landscape of the District and its diverse and distinctive wards. It threatens the historic character of neighborhoods and can drive longtime residents from their homes and even the city.

One group especially hurt by gentrification is the District’s well-developed network of nonprofits. Local nonprofits are already seeing fortunes dramatically reshaped by gentrification, and some have been forced to change the way they operate to respond to demographic shifts. Additionally, nonprofit facilities are being displaced by the rising costs of operating in the city."

Daniel H Pink: employees are faster and more creative when solving other people's problems( — "Recent research reveals that people are more capable of mental novelty when thinking on behalf of others than for themselves. This has far-reaching practical implications at every level of business."

Personal growth

This is a new feature of Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8. 

Resources and tools

Fair-Chance Hiring in Philanthropy: A Step-by-Step Guide( — Created by Executives’ Alliance, the National Employment Law Project (NELP), and the Formerly Incarcerated and Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM), the guide helps organizations implement hiring policies best-practices, emphasizing those who have been incarcerated.

Encourage others to join this list!  It's free and easy to join. Just go to the APACC website's Capacity tab ( and sign up.

Have a go-to tool or capacity building resource? Please share!
Do you have a capacity building resource to share? Please email information to