APACC and members on Twitter

APACC's membership is diverse. We are social service organizations, health experts, data and research geeks, environmental experts. All are committed to the community and environment.

Follow APACC members on Twitter:

The easiest way to follow APACC members is to follow the APACC members list.

Engage members, learn more about them, join them as they work together to achieve APACC's mission:

We envision a community-led, equitable redevelopment of the Anacostia River parks and adjacent neighborhoods in Wards 7 and 8, as well as a thorough cleanup of the Anacostia River. Through this process, we will foster the growth of a thriving, diverse, and sustainable community that actively accepts and takes ownership of the challenges and opportunities along this cherished water source to improve the lives and livelihoods of both current and future residents.

And while you are on Twitter, be sure to follow us (@anacostiarivpk).

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