Help us Advertise Your Earth Day Event!

Earth Day is April 22 and APACC wants to help you promote your events taking place in Wards 7 and 8. There are many interesting and engaging events and activities taking place and we want our members’ clients and constituents, along with the broader community, to be aware and to get involved. We also want people who live in other parts of the city to come east and see what we see every day: Neighbors coming together to help neighbors, strangers helping strangers, people making a difference in the community, in the environment.

Submitting your information is easy. Just submit it in this online Google form and we will add your event information to the list on the Take Action - Earth Day page. We will also tweet (@anacostiarivpk) each event, post on Facebook, and share information on the numerous Yahoo and Google groups.

Do you have questions? Email Susie Cambria,

Want to share the flyer? Here it is in PDF: Promote Earth Days Events in Wards 7 and 8.

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