Ward 7, what do you want to see in Anacostia Park and for Anacostia River?

APACC has some ideas, gleaned from our work in the community over the years, things you've said. Things such as

  • cleaning up Kenilworth Park and ensuring quality, on-going program is made available for people of all ages
  • ridding Anacostia River and its banks of toxic chemicals
  • improving access to Anacostia Park and Anacostia River
  • eliminating trash in the Anacostia River
  • using Anacostia Park and River as an economic driver to benefit residents, especially long-time residents

(Do these sound familiar? They make up most of our wishes for 2017!)

What are the things you want for Anacostia Park and Anacostia River? Tell Ward 7 Councilmember Vince Gray during his community office hours Friday, April 7, 5:00-7:00 pm at the Department of Employment Services (4058 Minnesota Ave NE). You must register in advance with Latisha Atkins, (202) 724–8068, latkins@dccouncil.us.

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