Drug Take-Back a Success – Thanks for Keeping our Parks Drug-Free

In April, we helped put the word out about the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)’s no-questions-asked drug take-back program. Expired or unused prescription drugs were delivered to several drop-off stations, and the MPD reports that they collected nearly 350 pounds of drugs during the month of April!

What does this have to do with Anacostia Park? Drugs that aren’t disposed of properly can make their way into natural water bodies like the Anacostia River if they are flushed down the toilet or dumped into the sink. These drugs can then harm animals like fish and frogs, and keep the water further away from our dream of a fishable, swimmable river. (Read more on No Drugs Down the Drain).

Thanks to the MPD for running this program, and for all of the residents that participate!


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