The fight is not over. Advocacy is needed for Anacostia River and Kenilworth Park
APACC members Malusi and Pastor Keith Kitchen testify to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment.
Residents and stakeholders have been calling on members of the DC Council, particularly the Committee on Transportation and the Environment (CM Mary Cheh, Ward 3, chair), to add $5 million to the FY 2018 capital budget for the Department of Energy and Environment to fund the cleanup of Anacostia River and Kenilworth Park.
DOEE has been making strides toward a cleaner, healthier Anacostia River. Lack of funding in FY 2018 stands to derail the progress. Don’t let this happen!
Contact councilmembers before Wednesday, May 17 at 4:00 pm and tell them you want the cleanup funded in FY 2018. The members to target are listed below. Also below are sample tweets you can use. This information is also in this two-page flyer PDF. There’s also artwork below for you to use; right click to save the image and then attach to your tweet or email.
Tweet the Committee on Transportation and the Environment May 15, 16, and 17 before 4:00 pm.
Encourage the committee members to fund the cleanup of the Anacostia River and Kenilworth Park in FY 2018. Example tweets:
- $5m 2 clean Anacostia River & Kenilworth Park... my kids are worth it! #DCleaninFY18
- $5m 2 clean Anacostia River & Kenilworth Park... I'm worth it! #DCleaninFY18
- $5m 2 clean Anacostia River & Kenilworth Park... my community is worth it! #DCleaninFY18
- Take those toxics out of Anacostia River & Kenilworth Park in #dcfy18! $5m to DOEE CIP! #DCleaninFY18
- (CM Twitter handle): We deserve a clean & safe river & park! Pls add $5m to DOEE CIP! #DCleaninFY18
- We've waited 50 years for a clean Kenilworth Park. Don't make us wait any longer! $5m in #dcfy18! #DCleaninFY18
- Fishies & other creatures need clean water! Pls add $5m to DOEE CIP! #DCleaninFY18
Here are the people to contact:
DC Council Committee on Transportation and the Environment (top priority)
- Mary Cheh, Chair: 724-8062,, @marycheh
- Jack Evans: 724-8058,, @JackEvansWard2
- Brandon Todd: 724-8052,, @CMBrandonTodd
- Kenyan McDuffie: 724-8028,, @CM_McDuffie
- Charles Allen: 724-8072,, @CharlesAllenW6, @charlesallen
At-large, Wards 7 and 8 CMs (if you have time)
- Phil Mendelson: DC Council Chairman, 724-8032,, @ChmnMendelson
- Vincent Gray: Ward 7, 724-8068,, @VinceGrayWard7
- Trayon White: Ward 8, 724-8045,, @trayonwhite
- Robert White: At-large, 724-8174,, @RobertWhite_DC
- Anita Bonds: At-large, 724-8064,, @AnitaBondsDC
- David Grosso: At-large, 724-8105,, @cmdgrosso, @Team_Grosso
- Elissa Silverman: At-large, 724-7772,, @CM_Silverman, @tweetelissa