Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - April 14, 2017

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
How to Report Live from Nonprofit Conferences and Events, June 13( — This is a must-attend if you have public events and you want to share for those not in attendance or because you want to repurpose the tweets, such as with #Storify, after the fact. Registration opens May 16. Free.

Good reads
Stop Telling Millennial Women To Find A Mentor  ( — "Women don’t need to be told which experience to add to their resume. They need someone to place their resume on a higher desk." 

What is Leadership? (— Read.

Peter Drucker: How to (Actually) Manage Your Time   ( — Read and heed.

Why you should know how much your coworkers get paid ( — "... when people don’t know how their pay compares to their peers, they’re actually more likely to feel underpaid — and even discriminated against. "

Audio and video
Casey Brown: Know your worth, and then ask for it  ( — Make the time to watch this eight-minute video.

Resources and tools

Need Help with Communications and Marketing? Georgetown University graduate students are offering pro bono assistance. The application deadline is Friday, April 21. ( 

Typeform ( lets you create cool looking forms. Free and paid.

Prisma ( runs your photos through artistic filters. A terrific tool to use to shake it up a bit when you are out and about, taking and sharing lots of snaps on your mobile.

Ripl ( is another shake-it-up tool for mobile. This lets you animate tweets. Free and paid.

How to Customize Your Facebook News Feed to Maximize Your Productivity(  provides clear instructions and pictures to personalize your FB news feed.

Mind Your Manners When it Comes to Visuals! ( offers sound advice for using images found online in your work. Read. Bookmark. Share.