Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - March 1, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
#SproutChat, March 1, 3:00 pm EST — Join Sprout on Twitter to discuss Social Listening vs. Monitoring! 

W-2 Fraud – A Privacy Risk for Employees and Nonprofits, March 3( — Every year around this time, employers and their HR professionals are duped into sending W-2s to cyber thieves who then use the information to attempt to fraudulently file tax returns and claim refunds. Fraudsters bypass all the security devices, firewalls, perimeter defenses, and even APT defenses, and increasingly, cyber thieves are targeting nonprofits to hand over the goods . . . and they do so. HR or finance staff don't realize that the email requesting the W-2s is not from the Executive Director because the email may appear to be legitimate. Questions? Contact Stanley Augustin, or (202)737-4700 ext. 3293. Free. 

Walking the Walk: Engage Volunteers in your Volunteer Engagement Program, March 7  ( — "Learn how to effectively delegate volunteer engagement and management work to volunteers so you have the opportunity to 'think bigger.' We'll discuss evaluating your program for volunteer engagement, determining how best to deploy volunteers, creating a communication plan, screening and training volunteers to be an important part of your volunteer recruiting, retention and recognition plans." Free.

Social Media Crash Course for Nonprofits, March 8( — Learn how to use social media to engage your donors to keep them engaged and donating! Free.

How to Successfully Participate in Cause Awareness and Giving Days, March 14( — Learn more to make the most of these social media-drive fundraising and friendraising days. Free.

Lobbying and Civic Engagement: Laws and Regulations in a Time of National Change-What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know, March 14( — More than ever, many nonprofits want to speak out about how federal government policies will affect their communities. Others want to encourage voter participation in the 2018 midterm elections. Even organizations with 501(c)(3) status can do this, but they need to comply with the tax code and other applicable laws. This webinar will explain how nonprofits can engage in nonpartisan civic engagement and in issue advocacy consistent with their tax status. It will also let participants know how to find information about whether they are subject to state and local lobbyist registration requirements. Finally, it will identify steps that organizations can take to manage risks that may arise when an organization takes a position on a controversial issue. Must register by March 9. Questions? Contact Stanley Augustin, or (202)737-4700 ext. 3293. Free.

Navigating Government Contracts & Grants for your Nonprofit, March 28 ( — Complying with the multitude of requirements associated with government grants and contracts can sometimes be difficult. Join the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center and Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP for an all-day training on government contracts and grants for nonprofits on March 28. Experienced lawyers will lead a robust training with other industry professionals that will review how to comply with the various requirements. Register early since capacity is limited. Questions? Contact Stanley Augustin, or (202)737-4700 ext. 3293. $25.  

Just Change: How to Collaborate for Lasting Impact, March 29( "In her new book, Just Change: How to Collaborate for Lasting Impact, Living Cities' Chief Impact Officer, Tynesia Boyea-Robinson shares stories and case studies focused on innovative and collaborative approaches to large-scale social change. Join Tynesia and Lisa Attygalle as they discuss this new piece of work and look at leaders from across the country who have successfully created sustainable, long-lasting solutions to address key root causes of inequities in their communities." Free.

Boot Camp for Nonprofit Directors, April 1( — The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center and The Center for Nonprofit Advancement Present Boot Camp for Nonprofit Directors. Are you bringing on new Board members? Do your Board members need help learning about their duties and responsibilities? The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center and The Center for Nonprofit Advancement can help!  The Boot Camp for New Members of Nonprofit Boards is a one-day course designed for individuals who have recently joined a nonprofit Board, and existing Board members who wish to enhance their skills as directors. Questions? Contact Stanley Augustin, or (202)737-4700 ext. 3293. $55 per individual, $45 per individual in a group of two, $35 per individual in a group of three or more. 

Collective Impact: Lessons from the Field, April 13( — You will learn from three organizations "leading collective impact initiatives." Join the "lively conversation about the good and the challenging of collective impact." Free.

Good reads
5 key takeaways about life and investing from Warren Buffett’s latest annual letter ( — "The Oracle of Omaha came out with his latest annual letter just today. As always, there is a lot to be learnt, not only about investments, but about life itself." 

Why This Tech Company Hires People With No Experience( — "Surprisingly, the employees who had no experience were outperforming those who had 10 to 15 years of sales experience..."

How Being Humiliated Can Make You a Great Leader( — "Experiencing public humiliation can feel excruciatingly challenging and confidence-crushing, especially for leaders of organizations who thrive on appearing that they have it all together. But as we see in our personal lives, humiliation can be one of the most potent and transformative pathways to growth, resilience and courage." Kathy Caprino talks with Bill Treasurer, author and Chief Encouragement Officer of Giant Leap Consulting, a courage-building company.

Companies Are Bad at Identifying High-Potential Employees( — While community-based nonprofits may not have high-potential (HIPO) programs, this article is worth a read. It challenges what we think we know about high-potential employees. A taste of what you will read: When the authors looked at "the participants in the HIPO programs, 12% were in their organization's bottom quartile of leadership effectiveness. Overall, 42% were below average. That is a long way from the top 5% to which they supposedly belong."

Podcasts and videos
Achieve Great Things podcast ( — This new podcast "shares cutting-edge insights and ideas for creating impact through communications." One of the creators says the goal of the podcasts is to "help progressive communicators get insights and ideas they can use to improve their communications right away."

Personal growth, capacity building

ASL Classes at Union Market, various dates starting March 1( — Gallaudet University Office of Administration, Union Market and Tech Interpreting, LLC have partnered to provide the local community with American Sign Language learning sessions. The sessions are not sequential, so you can attend one or all of the 90-minute instructional and interactive, theme-based classes. Classes are free, but seats are limited.

Nine Words And Phrases To Avoid When You’re Negotiating A Salary( — In addition to steering you away from words to avoid, this Fast Company article supplies alternatives.

Resources and tools

Online Press Room Examples for Nonprofits ( — While the organizations used as examples are large, small- and medium-sized nonprofits can learn and replicate a lot of elements from them. To get you started is Wired Impact'spress page checklist.

DC Apps4Change Demo - Accessing ideas for social benefit technology apps, March 24 ( — Nonprofits, advocates, volunteers, and developers are invited to participate in this event to connect social benefit apps with subject matter experts. The purpose is to end up with "tools and apps that make the world a better place." Free.

ProductHunt's curated a list of logo creators(