Make your mark where you live – become a volunteer ambassador for Sustainable DC

Help make DC the healthiest, greenest, most livable city in the nation. Help make Wards 7 and 8 the healthiest, greenest, and livable parts of DC! Become a volunteer ambassador for Sustainable DC.

Ambassadors share information about the many ways the DC government and partners can be resources to residents and organizations. They also engage residents and organizations in ensuring that communities east and west, north and south all benefit from the city's sustainability plan.

Ambassadors commit to at least one event per month, typically for a 2-3 hour shift. Some examples of what ambassadors do:

  • Attend community events such as neighborhood meetings, festivals, block parties, farmers markets.
  • Talk to people about Sustainable DC and how they can get involved.
  • Act as a sustainability liaison. Help Sustainable DC staff better understand what people are most concerned about and excited about.
  • Be a community resource. Learn or hone leadership, teamwork, and community organizing skills.
  • Learn the specifics of sustainability in the District: creative programs, new policies, and innovative new projects.

Interested? Apply by March 15. 

Want to learn more? Go online to the Sustainable DC Ambassadors page. Also take a look at the one-page flyer (PDF) describing the program and process.