Building Capacity in Wards 7 and 8 - March 9, 2017

Nonprofit capacity building resources

D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center provides legal assistance to community-based nonprofit organizations and small business entrepreneurs serving low–income communities or who are economically disadvantaged. The center also offers training and technical assistance. Most often, the training and TA is free.

Capacity Building Resources for Wards 7 and 8 catalogs all the resources we've shared. It is not password protected so share!

Capacity Building Opportunities

Trainings, webinars, panel discussions
Tech, Cloud, and Collaboration for Nonprofit Boards, April 12( — This webinar can help executive directors, operating officers, and board members think about and identify ways to use online and collaboration tools to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The experts will discuss the readiness of the board to use such tools, show what is possible with portals, and ways to avoid common mistakes beginning to end. This webinar draws on research from Idealware's A Consumer's Guide to Board Portals and BoardSource's Leading with Intent: A National Index of Nonprofit Board Practices.

25 Free and Low-Cost Tech Tools for Nonprofits, April 20( — Spend an hour with Idealware learning about free and low-cost tools that can help you in your work. Tools will include design, time management, and collaboration. Free. 

Learn everything about good and bad storytelling from the masters at Pixar Studios. Videos and activities in this Khan Academy lesson prompts users to practice. Pixar in a Box also contains video-related lessons for those who want to implement story…

Learn everything about good and bad storytelling from the masters at Pixar Studios. Videos and activities in this Khan Academy lesson prompts users to practice. Pixar in a Box also contains video-related lessons for those who want to implement storytelling in video.

Good reads
Hey Boss: Your Chaos Is Making Me Anxious ( — This article has touched a nerve. It's received more than 7,200 likes and 300 comments and it's been forwarded nearly 1,500 times since it was published February 23. The author doesn't merely complain. He provides fodder for assessing staff member management skills, organizational culture, and more.

Three Things Most People Want Their Bosses To Ask Them( — The title says it all. Read and then do.

When You Have to Fire Good People ( — This Harvard Business Reviewarticle provides a list of things to do and explains why. Read, bookmark, and share with HR and others.

How To Update Your Nonprofit's Guidestar Profile( — This article walks you through each step, making updating your profile foolproof.

Resources and tools

SumOfUs A Progressive's Style Guide (PDF) ( — This is a rich resource of effective, sensible, and appropriate advice for communicators. The guide considers language in a number of issue areas―including age, disability, environment/science, immigration/refugees, sexual and domestic violence―and offers specific advice about what words and phrases to use and those to avoid and similarly, how to think about using respectful and appropriate imagery. It also links to other style guides. To learn more about the guide and its genesis, read Hanna Thomas' Medium piece "A Progressive's Style Guide" (