Urban Transformation: Metropolitan Development, Demographic Change & Gentrification

An event taking place Saturday, June 24th at the Shaw Library (1630 7th St. NW) will discuss gentrification, activism and the experience of residents in transforming neighborhoods. The issue of gentrification is increasingly relevant when thinking about the Anacostia waterfront. 

There is a critical need to keep discourse and resulting insights of gentrification current so as to raise awareness about inequitable, development and historical changes taking place in Washington, D.C., and how these changes include, exclude, benefit and or disadvantage the extant community of residents as well as new entrants.

Symposium addresses four key areas of gentrification, activism, residential experience, public policy and academic research and participation. Panels are intended to ensure community residents, policy wonks, scholars and activists will have voice within the general discourse on the District of Columbia's gentrification.

Principal questions to be addressed are what has been the experience of gentrification; what are the experiences of diverse populations in gentrifying neighborhoods; and how can community redevelopment be pursued in an equitable manner?

10 a.m.: Public Policy panel
11:30 a.m.: Residential Perspectives
1:15 p.m.: Activism
2:45 p.m.: Academic perspectives and research

This event is co-sponsored by the Metropolitan Policy Center at American University and KTURE Institute.

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