Have a say in the Mayor's #DCFY19 Budget, and Advocate for your Priorities

The city's budget is our budget and we should have a say in it.

That's why it's essential that residents and stakeholders participate in one or more of Mayor Bowser's budget engagement events this month.

If the activities are the same this year as in the past, Mayor Bowser will ask participants to decide how to spend a (fictional) budget of $100 on activities such as public safety, housing, and education.

How we pay for these and other programs are immensely important, but APACC also has its priorities and this forum is an opportunity to share them with decision-makers: cleaning the river and improving the surrounding parkland for residents, investing in educational programming on Kingman Island, and more. (Check back here soon for the details of APACC's asks for FY 2019.)

So: register today. We look forward to seeing you at the February 24 event.

In the meantime, follow APACC on Twitter (@anacostiarivpk) and stay apprised of FY 2019 advocacy by APACC and others by following #dcfy19 on Twitter.