Posts in DC Budget
FY 2019: Advocacy is not over once the budget is signed

Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 2019, FY19) started October 1. As is always the case, some laws, policies, programs, and taxes change from one year to the next. Action—advocacy—on the budget is not done when the mayor signs it. To the contrary, once the fiscal year starts, the work is focused on making sure agencies implement the budget.

APACC and its members will be paying close attention to several elements of the FY 2019 budget and taking action when necessary.

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DC Council committee chairs rule, a good reminder since a new CP will start in early 2019

We are currently in Council Period 22 (CP 22), which began at noon on January 2, 2017, and will conclude at 11:59 am on January 2, 2019. CP 23 starts at noon, January 2, 2019. Jonetta Rose Barras’ recent discussion is a good reminder to voice our opinions about leadership of council committees before committee chair assignments are announced in January.

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DC has more money than expected! Will it help communities in Anacostia River neighborhoods?

DC’s FY 2018 local revenue has increased by close to $80 million according to the June 2018 revenue estimate (PDF) prepared by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer. Anyone who plans to advocate for a particular use for additional revenue should be ready to meet with the administration as soon as possible, and with council offices in fall.

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APACC member CPDC preserves Ward 8 affordable housing

In 2016, Community Preservation and Development Corporation (CPDC) purchased Randle Hill Apartments to rejuvenate and preserve the affordable housing offered by this 196-unit garden-style complex.

Fast forward two years and CPDC and Randle Hill Apartments are making news again. Mayor Bowser recently announced that DC, and Wards 7 and 8 in particular, will be getting more affordable housing thanks to a $103 million DC government investment. Randle Hill Apartments is one of the projects funded.

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Why you should comment on the Sustainable DC 2.0 Plan by July 15

The DC Department of Energy and Environment has released a new Sustainable DC 2.0 Plan, and they are asking for your comments.  Why should you care about Sustainable DC? Bradford Everette from DOEE came and talked to APACC at our last meeting. He said that "sustainability" doesn't just mean buying "green" products and planting trees -- "sustainability" means "survival." Being sustainable means having a healthy home, healthy food, and healthy neighborhood that help you live a happy and long life. 

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