Build your Capacity: Make GIFs, Manage your Social Media Risk and Watch an Environmental Film

Here is your weekly dose of helpful tools and resources. 

Local Events

The DC Environmental Film Festival will be taking place this week around various locations in the DC area. This is the largest environmental film festival known. 

Tools and Resources

Happy GIF from Happy GIFs

advice from young protesters and adult allies to create Youth in Front, an online resource for student organizers. "Young people are powerful civic actors, and during their apprenticeship of citizenship, their voices deserve to be heard. The youth in our community are leaders; the adults in our community are supporting them as they march up front," Reich states in this post from EdWeek.

  • Integrate Instagram and Hootsuite: Last month, Hootsuite announced users can now "schedule and post images to your Instagram Business account right from the Hootsuite dashboard. No workarounds. No reminders. Just instant and direct publishing. It's going to save you lots of time and make it easier to drive engagement for your business on Instagram."

At work

  • Each month, professor and author Adam Grant answers several "fascinating questions from readers about work and psychology." Read them in Wondering. You'll read questions such as "I have asked for feedback for a presentation I gave and received lukewarm responses. Would it be helpful to me to select individuals from the group and ask them for more detailed information about why the group feedback might be as it is?" and "One of the things I've always been interested in learning more about, but am having a difficult finding information on, is the impact of what we wear on the perception of people. What does it tell us about someone if they are always wearing black? What about the guy who always wears 80's suits or the lady that wears way too much makeup?"
  • The State of Digital and Social Media Risk Management from The Conference Board:

Companies face a growing number of risks from digital and social media and are challenged to effectively and comprehensively manage them. The fallout from not properly managing digital risk can be significant, as witnessed by the numerous recent hacks on all kinds of organizations, from government institutions to media and entertainment companies, retailers, and financial institutions. This SNCR 2020 article suggests that although digital governance teams and Digital Centers of Excellence are becoming common oversight structures and many orgnaizations have policies, procedures, and programs to manage traditional IT security risks, most do not yet have fully optimized, managed, and resourced processes and programs to manage new and growing types of digital and social media risks.

Learn something

Good reads