Grow your capacity: Food handler certification, volunteer at a new community garden, engaging donors, more

Local Events and Resources

We want to hear from you about what information and skills you need.  Please take this short survey so we know what you need to be and do better. We’ll do our best to find trainings, articles, courses, and the like to meet your needs.

Get up to speed on the latest from the Corrections Information Council Thursday, June 7 at 6:00 pm: The meeting takes place at the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (100 42nd St NE). Meet new staff, learn how DC government and other agencies are working together, and network to get involved on this issue.

Get your ServSafe Food Handler Certificate in June: This free class, offered by College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences at UDC, takes place in Wards 7 and 8 June 2 and 16 and again through October. Learn more and register.


Participate in the P.R. Harris Urban Food Hub Build Day June 9: Community members are needed to help the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES) at UDC learn about, build, beautify, and experience the food infrastructure in Ward 8. Volunteers will build compost bins and fill garden beds. Sign up online.

Tools and Resources

2017 American Community Survey 1-year Estimates
The 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates will be released on Thursday, September 13, 2018. These data will be available for the nation, all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district, every metropolitan area, and all counties and places with populations of 65,000 or more. The 2017 ACS 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files and 2017 ACS 1-year Supplemental Estimates will be released on Thursday, October 18, 2018.

2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates
The 2013-2017 ACS 5-year estimates will be released on Thursday, December 6, 2018. These data will be available for all geographic areas including census tracts, ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), and block groups. The 2013-2017 ACS 5-year PUMS files and 2013-2017 ACS 5-year Variance Replicate Estimates will be released on Thursday, January 17, 2019.

For more information on the release schedule, visit 2017 ACS Release Schedule.

At work

Learn something

  • 10 Ways to Lose a Donor on Your Website, Tuesday, June 5, 1:00 pm: "Blackbaud’s nonprofit website experts cover the 10 most common ways to lose a donor online and how to avoid them." Free.
  • The 12 Do's and Don'ts of Web Design is an easy-to-read and -understand explanation of what you should and shouldn't do on your website. And following it's own recs, provides solid, clear examples. While many designers have criticized this article (and all Adobe stands for and apparently does wrong), for those new to designing and maintaining websites, it's a great primer.
  • Stormwater + Litter Workshop for MS4 & Stormwater Professionals, June 13: This is a free one-day workshop addressing the "growing concern about the impacts of marine debris in the ocean and coastal waters, along with increasing emphasis on stormwater management of litter and debris" and the urgency that accompanies the concern.

Good reads